It's not an error, on Luclin, there's Terror! -- Bonzz
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Terror of Luclin was the 28th expansion, released in December 2021.
It also increased Character Levels to 120. It added the Teleportation Keyring (aka Portal Key Ring) to the Game. The Teleportation Keyring starts out with 10 Slots and can be expanded to 250-Slots via the Marketplace. Most Click Portal items can be placed on this Key Ring. There was no unique / progressive item with this expansion.
The /keys command that used to spam a list (of all of your "soul bound' keys on your key ring) into your chat window, was changed to pop open your Achievement Window to General --> Keys (a new sub-category). In fact, if you still had the actual items (keys), they were auto-deleted in favor of these Achievements (you were not allowed to retain the actual key item). This "Key" category is a sort of a 'ghost' category. Most of the Achievements listed here are actually from / found under the Achievements for the related expansion, usually in the 'Progression' Sub-Category. Basically, the Achievements here are 'mirrored' from the other Expansions and populated here for easier reference.
Soon after the release of this expansion, in 2022, EQ went from a 32-Bit application to a 64-Bit application and Level 100 Heroic Characters were added to the game during this expansion.
The expansion was sold in four versions: Family & Friends ($249.99); Premium ($139.99); Collector's ($89.99); and Standard ($34.99).
PRE-ORDER (any version): You got a Shadow Sword Ornament, that could be claimed once the expansion was released. The Shadow Sword Ornament can be converted into thirty-three (33) other variant Ornaments of the same theme; plus, you got immediate access to Beta testing.
STANDARD: This was just the expansion (no Bonus Items).
COLLECTOR'S: This version included (999) Contract of the Stonegrabber (Mercenary type); (1) Umbral Plains Mushroom (a personal Portal to the Umbral Plains); (1) Umbral Plains Scrying Bowl (a Guild Portal to the Umbral Plains); (2) Goblet Of Adventure III (4 Hours of +50% XP); (1) Painting: Terror of Luclin; (1) Bloodbound Satchel (42-Slot Bag); (1) Zelniak Saddle (stat Mount); (1) Metamorph Wand - Lightcrawler (Pet Illusion / Familiar); & (9) Teleport Item Key Ring Slot (5) (each one unlock 5 Key Ring Slots).
PREMIUM: This version additionally included (2) Perfected Augmentation Distillers (removes any Aug); (2) Shared Goblet of Adventure III (4 Hours of 50% for your entire Group); (1) Owlbear Saddle (Stat Mount); (1) Metamorph Wand - Rockhopper (Pet Illusion / Familiar); another (2nd) Bloodbound Satchel (42-Slot Bag); & (1) Visage of the Akheva (an Illusion).
FAMILY & FRIENDS: This version additionally included another (3rd) Bloodbound Satchel (42-Slot Bag); another (2) Shared Goblet of Adventure III (4 Hours of 50% for your entire Group); (1) Tradable: Painting: Terror of Luclin; (1) Tradable Level 85 Heroic Character Boost (Tradable Level 85 Boost); (1) Tradable Zelniak Saddle; (1) Tradable Owlbear Saddle; (1) Overseer Agent Pack (it contains 30 random Common Agents and 3 Uncommon Agents); & (5) Halfling Heritage Crates (each Crate awards one random, that includes Portals, an Illusion, a Mount, Familiars, Heroic Armor Sets, and a Music Box).
BETA: Players who participated in Beta, and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' were awarded a 'Shadow Sword Ornament' (an Ornament that can be converted into multiple variants, that was also the Pre-Order bonus).
Metamorph Wand: Lightcrawler (Familiar) (Video) |
Painting: Terror of Luclin |
The Hero's Forge Tidal Force (group content) Ornament sets. |
The Hero's Forge Eclipsed Light (raid content) Ornament sets. |
General | 10 | 480 |
Exploration | 7 | 70 |
Quests | 14 | 140 |
Missions | 20 | 200 |
Raids | 42 | 540 |
Hunter | 10 | 140 |
Collections | 38 | 400 |
TOTALS | 141 | 1,970 |
Other than the mismatched / variant gear that can drop from MoB's, 'visible' Armor sets involve a Level of Crafting. Depending on which gear set you are making, they can require one, or more, other items that are either dropped, crafted or sold by vendors. These items are combined inside a combine container (dropped or crafted) to make the actual armor. As a note, weapons and non-visible items can also be crafted in similar fashion, as noted below.
The armor sets are, and the materials needed are:
The Player crafted stat food and drink form this expansion was Luclin Garlic Stir-Fry & Luclin Berry Cooler.
The new 'chase' loot was the 'Blood-Soaked' gear:
Blood-Soaked Amice of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Amice of Vigor Blood-Soaked Arcane Staff Blood-Soaked Athame Blood-Soaked Axe Blood-Soaked Baton Blood-Soaked Belt of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Belt of Vigor Blood-Soaked Bow Blood-Soaked Broadsword Blood-Soaked Censer Blood-Soaked Charm of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Charm of Security Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor Blood-Soaked Claymore Blood-Soaked Cloak of Adroitness |
Blood-Soaked Cloak of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Cloak of Security Blood-Soaked Compound Bow Blood-Soaked Earring of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Earring of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Earring of Vigor Blood-Soaked Fighting Staff Blood-Soaked Flanged Mace Blood-Soaked Foil Blood-Soaked Great Axe Blood-Soaked Great Mace Blood-Soaked Halberd Blood-Soaked Hammer Blood-Soaked Hooked Knife Blood-Soaked Idol of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Idol of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Idol of Vigor Blood-Soaked Katar Blood-Soaked Kite Shield |
Blood-Soaked Knife Blood-Soaked Mace Blood-Soaked Mask of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Mask of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Necklace of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Necklace of Security Blood-Soaked Necklace of Vigor Blood-Soaked Ring of Adroitness Blood-Soaked Ring of Brilliance Blood-Soaked Ring of Vigor Blood-Soaked Spear Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield Blood-Soaked Sword Blood-Soaked Tower Shield Blood-Soaked Wand Blood-Soaked War Hammer Guardian's Blood-Soaked Mask Summoner's Blood-Soaked Earring |
The Hero's Forge ornament sets for this expansion are Tidal Force (group content) and Eclipsed Light (raid content) (See Above.)
While new Mercenary AA's were added, there was no new Mercenary gear this time.
There was no progressive gear item this time.
These Achievement are for the Terror of Luclin expansion.
Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Most Achievements award Regular and / or Alternate Advancement (AA) experience in varying amounts, and as a result, Experience / AA is not included / listed as a "reward" in the listings, below.
Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.
All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).
NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).
NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.
NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!
NOTE: Items may be noted as either a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but is not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.
Master of Terror of Luclin 061422 |
100 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | N / A |
Defender of Blood 011622 |
60 |
Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Title "Defender of Blood," & Suffix "the Defender of Blood;" and a Golden Owlbear Saddle (+38 Mana Regen; +4,200 Mana; +4,250 Endurance; + 4,000 Hit Points; +50 all Resists except Corruption; +87 Armor Class) (See Above). |
Shadow Slayer 061422 |
60 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Shadow Slayer's Chest (46-slot, 100% Bag); as well as Title "Shadow Slayer," & Suffix "the Shadow Slayer;". |
Explorer of Terror of Luclin 121321 |
20 | Complete the seven (7) listed Achievements. | If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out). |
Champion of Terror of Luclin 011622 |
30 | Complete the fourteen (14) listed Achievements. | N / A |
Paragon of Terror of Luclin 121321 |
40 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Personal Hemic Source (a stat Familiar that adds up to 5% to Damage & Healing spells; +1,250 to Hit Points / Mana / Endurance; +60 Damage Shield; & +13 to Mana / Endurance Regeneration) (See Above). |
Challenger of Terror of Luclin 011522 |
50 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Unlocks the ability to progress The Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Striking and Luclinite Gem of Devastation. |
Conqueror of Terror of Luclin 080424 |
40 | Complete the six (6) listed Achievements. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Terror of Luclin | 50 | Complete the nine (9) listed Achievements. | Master's Curio (+140 Overcap Aug with +150 Spell Damage; +150 Spell Amount; +200 Clairvoyance; and +10 Hit Point Regeneration, Mana Regeneration & Endurance Regeneration) |
Shadow Seeker 021022 |
30 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Shadow Seeker's Backpack (42-slot 100% bag) & Shadow Torchiere (Personal Trophy that is +75 Heroics, + 150 Spell Damage & +150 Heal Amount (See Above). |
Maiden's Eye Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Umbral Plains Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Ka Vethan Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Vex Thal Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Shadow Valley Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Basilica of Adumbration Traveler 120721 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Bloodfalls Traveler 121321 |
10 |
Go to the noted zone. You will need to be flagged to enter this zone, teleported there by another Player, or by use of a Campfire / Banner. |
Mercenary of Maiden's Eye 120721 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Maiden's Eye 120721 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Umbral Plains 120921 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Umbral Plains 120921 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Ka Vethan 121021 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Ka Vethan 010922 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Vex Thal 121121 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Vex Thal 121121 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Shadow Valley 121621 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Shadow Valley 121321 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Basilica of Adumbration 121721 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Basilica of Adumbration 121821 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Mercenary of Bloodfalls 011622 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Partisan of Bloodfalls 011622 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Quests. |
Hero of Ka Vethan 121121 |
10 | Complete the noted Mission. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality & Hero's Fortitude. |
Savior of Ka Vethan 121121 |
10 | Complete the three listed Achievements. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality; Hero's Fortitude; & Hero's Resolution. |
Shei Vinitras: Running With Shears 121121 |
10 |
Do not allow any Datiar Xi Tavuelim to explode. During the mission, non-aggro Datiar Xi Tavuelim (Tegi's) spawn on the Platform and explode soon thereafter. Mez / Root them, ASAP to prevent this. |
N / A |
Shei Vinitras: Don't Cut the Strings 121121 |
10 |
Complete the noted Mission with no Group Members dying from the 'Touch of Venitras' death touch curse. Cure it (it's a triggered Corruption, Disease, Poison DoT)! NOTE: This achievement only applies if a group member dies to this DoT. If they die in any way other than from this DoT, the Achievement is unaffected. |
N /A |
Shei Vinitras: Mending Ways 121121 |
10 |
Allow Shei Vinitras to heal at least twice, during the noted Mission. During the mission, non-aggro Dator Xi Vavuelim (Akhevans) will spawn and walk up to the Platform and heal Shei Vinitras and then poof. Let at least two (2) of them do this! As a note, while they do not fight back, DPS will have to be diverted to killing them before they get to Shei Vinitras. A better strategy may just be to ignore all of them and fight through the 10% heals, because it is far more important to keep the Tegi (Datiar Xi Tavuelim) from exploding. |
N / A |
Hero of Vex Thal 121321 |
10 | Complete the noted mission. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality & Hero's Fortitude. |
Savior of Vex Thal 011522 |
10 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality; Hero's Fortitude; & Hero's Resolution. |
Aten Ha Ra: Calm the Stones 011522 |
10 |
In the noted mission, cause all of the gargoyles to turn to stone. Up above the event area, there are some gargoyles (a smirking guardian). As they fly down and land to cast their AoE, mez them. Mez four (4) of them to get this achievement. |
N / A |
Aten Ha Ra: Merge Not 011022 |
10 |
In the noted mission, do not allow Kaas Thox Xi Ha Ra Dat and Kaas Thox Xi Ha Ra Set to touch each other (keep them apart). Do not allow oozes to touch each other. Aggro ASAP and keep them a short distance apart and then kill them. |
N / A |
Aten Ha Ra: Unstomped 011022 |
10 |
In the noted mission, no one can get crushed by the bulwarks. Avoid the golems! They spawn on one wall and slowly walk a straight line to the opposite wall and disappear. There is always at least one golem that does not spawn, providing an avenue to avoid them. |
N / A |
Hero of Basilica of Adumbration 121321 |
10 | Complete the noted Mission. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality & Hero's Fortitude. |
Savior of Basilica of Adumbration 121321 |
10 | Complete the three (3) noted missions. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality; Hero's Fortitude; & Hero's Resolution. |
Oubliette of Light: Graspless 121321 |
10 |
Do not allow any group member to be grabbed by a grasping shade, in the noted mission. During the first part of the event, non-aggro 'a grasping shade,' will spawn from the lamps on the walls, in the center area, and then walk slowly move around the center area. They have an aura around them and if they get close enough to any Player, the aura will hit them. The best way to avoid this, is to tank Fade and Umber right at the edge of a doorway (too far, and they tether), while the raid is on the opposite side of the doorway. |
N / A |
Oubliette of Light: Complete Control 121321 |
10 |
In the noted mission, kill each jailer before another one spawns. The 'a shadowstone jailer' spawn based on the Health Percentage of the boss. Swap DPS and focus on each a shadowstone jailer as they spawn. |
N / A |
Oubliette of Light: Unchained 121321 |
10 |
Let no one lose their shadows. During the event, if anyone dies, it will cause 'a stolen shadow' to spawn and aggro the raid. Thus, this requires that no one dies! |
N / A |
Hero of Bloodfalls 121321 |
10 | Complete the noted Mission. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement Hero's Vitality & Hero's Fortitude. |
Savior of Bloodfalls 011422 |
10 | Complete the three (3) noted Achievements. | +1 to the Alternate Advancement(s) Hero's Vitality; Hero's Fortitude; & Hero's Resolution. |
Close the Gate: No Moss 121321 |
10 |
Only allow each Gargoyle to turn to stone, in the noted Mission. At the start, there are 'a grinning gargoyle' adds. The can can turn to stone (go inactive) as you kill them. Kill them before they turn to stone more than once. |
N / A |
Close the Gate: Shadow Self 121321 |
10 |
Free no shadows, in the noted Mission. The 'Pli Liako' adds can cast both light and darkness auras. Avoid having these auras overlap, by tanking them away from each other. |
N / A |
Close the Gate: Underwhelming Shadows 011422 |
10 |
In the noted Mission, allow no Overwhelming Darkness spells to be cast. During the mission, in the final phase, wait for Pli Liako to cast an AoE called 'Undivided Shadow,' before killing said Pli Liako. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Maiden's Eye 091122 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. |
Vanquisher of Free the Goranga |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Free the Goranga: Price of No Freedom | 10 |
During the noted Raid Event, do not free any of the Goranga. There are groups of Goranga guarded by Akhevans. Do not kill the Akhevans and set them free. |
Free the Goranga: The Needs of the Few | 10 |
During the noted Raid Event, free only one (1) group of Goranga. There are groups of Goranga guarded by Akhevans. Only kill the Akhevans and set one (1) group of the Gorangas free. |
Free the Goranga: In Their Time 091122 |
10 |
During the noted Raid Event, kill each of the liquid shadows before more spawn. During the event, 'a liquid shadow' will spawn (from the well area). Divert DPS and kill each wave, ASAP. |
Conqueror of Umbral Plains 012022 |
30 | Defeat the three (3) listed Raid Events. |
Vanquisher of Zelnithak |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Zelnithak: Unreleased Power 010922 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any zelniaks to reach their full potential before they die. When the three (3) Zelniak adds spawn, divert DPS to kill them, ASAP. One can be mezzed. The other two (2) you have to off tank and deal with right away. |
Zelnithak: Unsharded | 10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any Player to be harmed by stone shards. During the raid, an area of effect (you can see it, it looks like an large aura of rocks, there is also an emote), move away from the area of effect before anyone is hit by the effect. This does mean moving Zelnithak and any adds. |
Zelnithak: In Bounds 051122 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, all Players must remain within the binding runes area, for the duration. In the event area, there are some campfires with lightning effects, that mark the square-ish event area. Everyone must stay inside the event area at all times. |
Vanquisher of Doomshade |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Doomshade: All Together | 10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow all of the shadows to gather. ?? |
Doomshade: None Together Now 011722 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any of the shadows to gather. During the raid, Shadow MOB's will spawn out in the fields around the platform. Send Rangers (or other DPS) out to head shot (or DPS) and kill them, ASAP, so they do not reach the platform. |
Doomshade: Forced to Fade | 10 |
In the noted Raid Event, defeat the Fading Shadows before another set spawns. During the event, 'a fading shade' will spawn, based on Doomshade's Health (every 9%). How many a fading shade spawn, will equal how many 'a dark master' are still alive. All of the 'a fading shade' can be mezzed. When they appear, divert DPS to them and kill them ASAP. |
Vanquisher of Netherbian Swarm Commander 072422 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Netherbian Swarm Commander: Save the Innocent 072422 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not kill any newborn drones. During the event, there are several waves of adds, some of which include one (1) or more 'a newborn drone.' Mezz them all and keep them mezzed for the entire encounter. Don't kill any of them. |
Netherbian Swarm Commander: Infestation Free 012022 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any infestations to spawn a netherbian. During the event, some of the adds, 'a netherbian infestor,' can cast an 'infestation' spell that can cause more adds to spawn, to include from 'a netherbian ravager.' Thus, be sure to cure everyone and to kill a netherbian infestor and a netherbian ravager, first. |
Netherbian Swarm Commander: Each in Turn 072422 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, defeat all minor enemies before more spawn. At the start of the event, there will be four waves of multiple adds. The goal here is simple, focus DPS on one (1) target at a time, so they die faster, and kill every MoB in each wave before the next wave spawns. |
Conqueror of Ka Vethan 012422 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. |
Vanquisher of Shei Vinitras 071123 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Shei Vinitras: Dance Like a Puppet 071123 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow Datiar Xi Pharuaim or Datiar Xi Tekar (the Shades) to touch any player. The shades have a short range aura around them. All Players in the lower area need to avoid a Shade getting close enough to them to be hit by the aura effect (one effect is a DD Stun, the other is a Mana drain). The Shades spawn two (2) at a time and walk directly across, one (1) at a time, to the opposite wall and poof. Players will 100% need to make it a priority to move and avoid the path of all Shades, over anything else. One method is to position all raid members, who are not up with Shei Vinitras, on the very narrow top step in the back of the next room from Shei Vinitras. These Players cannot move an inch (if they do, they will be ported to the center room and have to avoid Shades, or gate out). They will need to use range attacks. Meanwhile Players up top and if they can, Players on the step, will still need to root the Tegi adds and cure the curses! |
Shei Vinitras: Don't Cut the Strings 031422 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, don't allow any Player to die to Touch of Vinitras. During the event, Shei Vinitras will target multiple players with a curse (there is an emote), on a regular basis for the duration of the entire raid. Always do AoE Cures and Group Cures so that no one dies to this curse (it will kill them if not cured). |
Shei Vinitras: Mending Ways 090722 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, allow Shei Vinitras to be healed at least five (5) times. When a Player dies, a 'Dator Xi Vavuelim' (an Akhevan healer) will spawn below and slowing make it's way up to Shei Vinitras. When it arrives, it will heal Shei Vinitras for 10% Health and poof. Due that, the best way to get this one is at the very start of the raid. This means sacrificing five (5) Characters (intentional suicide, those Players need aggro and let her kill them). Once done, allow the Akhevan healers to make their way to X and heal her, then you can defeat the raid event, as per normal, afterwards. |
Conqueror of Vex Thal 090722 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. |
Vanquisher of Aten Ha Ra 071722 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Aten Ha Ra: Calm the Stones 071122 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, cause all of the Gargoyles to turn to stone. During the raid event, gargoyles (a smirking guardian) will fly down from above, land to try to cast their AoE. Mez them ASAP to prevent the AoE. Every a smirking guardian must be Mezzed successfully. |
Aten Ha Ra: Merge Not 071122 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow Kaas Thox Xi Ha Ra Dat and Kaas Thox Xi Ha Ra Set to touch each other (keep them apart). During the raid event, the two noted oozes will spawn. Assign tanks to each one in advance. Have one of the oozes tanked and killed at the main raid, while the other is off-tanked in the center area. |
Aten Ha Ra: Unstomped 071722 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do get crushed by a bulwark (this is an individual Achievement). Golems will spawn for the duration of the raid and have a small short range aura around them. They will slowly walk across the room to the opposite wall and poof. There is always at least one free 'slot' (or path) without a golem, to help with this. Avoid all of these golem auras (it's a stun / DD)! |
Conqueror of Basilica of Adumbration 092822 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. |
Vanquisher of Oubliette of Light |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Oubliette of Light: Graspless | 10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not let any Player to be grabbed by a grasping shade. During the first part of the event, non-aggro 'a grasping shade,' will spawn from the lamps on the walls, in the center area, and then walk slowly move around the center area. They have an aura around them and if they get close enough to any Player, the aura will hit them. The best way to avoid this, is to tank Fade and Umber right at the edge of a doorway (too far, and they tether), while the raid is on the opposite side of the doorway. |
Oubliette of Light: Complete Control 092822 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, kill the Jailers before more Jailers spawn. In the battle with the Keltakun, Last Word (at the platform area), after a point, two (2) 'a shadowstone jailer' will spawn at intervals. Assign two off-tanks in advance to aggro them and then focus DPS to kill them ASAP, one (1) at a time, before any more spawn. |
Oubliette of Light: Unchained | 10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do let anyone lose their shadow. During the event, if anyone dies, it will cause 'a stolen shadow' to spawn and aggro the raid. Thus, this requires that no one dies! |
Conqueror of Bloodfalls 080424 |
20 | Defeat the two (2) listed Raid Events |
Vanquisher of Primal Vampire 101622 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Primal Vampire: Feastless 101622 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, don't allow any feasts to explode from the death of the Primal Vampire. During this raid event, 'a floating feast' will spawn at regular intervals. At the end of the raid, make sure they are all dead before The Primal Vampire dies. |
Primal Vampire: No Ascent 100922 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any amorphous vampires to ascend. During this raid event, an amorphous vampire (blobs) will spawn two at a time. Focus DPS to kill them ASAP, so they will not 'ascend' and reset The Primal Vampire to 100% Health. |
Primal Vampire: Drought 100922 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any Bloodrains to happen. During this event, the Primal Vampire can target Players for 'Boiling Bloodrain' (Emote: 'The Primal Vampire roars in rage. That rage infests itself in <Player Name(s)>.'). Everyone needs to move to a spot outside of the visible aura that appears, to include the tank. |
Vanquisher of Close the Gate 080424 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements |
Close the Gate: No Moss 080424 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, only allow each Gargoyle to turn to stone once, each. In the first stage, kill the four (4) 'a grinning gargoyle' before they can 'turn to stone,' more than once each. This is a DPS issue, as the 'stoning' seems to take place on a timer. |
Close the Gate: Shadow Self 080424 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not free any shadows. In the second stage of the raid, the 'Pli Liako' adds can cast both light and darkness auras. Avoid having these auras overlap, by tanking them away from each other. |
Close the Gate: Underwhelming Shadows 080424 |
10 |
In the noted Raid Event, do not allow any Overwhelming Darkness spells to be cast. In the third stage of the event, prevent any 'a servant of light' and 'a servant of darkness' from merging together. Aggro them, keep them apart and kill them ASAP. |
Novice Hunter of Terror of Luclin 010122 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Shadow Slayer's Satchel (38-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Maiden's Eye 122201 |
10 | Defeat the ten (10) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Umbral Plains 010122 |
10 | Defeat the ten (10) listed targets. | N / A |
Adept Hunter of Terror of Luclin 061422 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | Shadow Slayer's Rucksack (40-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Ka Vethan 123121 |
10 | Defeat the six (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Vex Thal 061422 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Veteran Hunter of Terror of Luclin 053122 |
30 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | Shadow Slayer's Backpack (42-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Shadow Valley 121821 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Basilica Adumbration 010522 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Bloodfalls 053122 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Mired in Omens 122721 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Maiden's Eye Scavenger 122621 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Found Paper 120821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Maiden's Eye. These are ground spawns, mostly around NPC / MOB camps. |
Vampyre Dairyes 122521 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Maiden's Eye. These drop from Vampires. |
Breaker of Chains 120821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Maiden's Eye. These are ground spawns, mostly in the open areas. |
Outpost Reclamation 122621 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Maiden's Eye. These drop from Akhevans. |
Umbral Plains Scavenger 122721 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Elysian Bone Relics 122721 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Umbral Plains. These drop from Shades. |
Crude Fyr Jen Tools 122721 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Umbral Plains. These drop from the Tegi. |
Twilight Orchid Medley 120821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Umbral Plains. These are ground spawns, mostly in and around the flower patches. |
Bountiful Poisonous Webcaps 120921 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Umbral Plains. These are ground spawns, mostly in and around the mushroom patches and in the caves. |
Lost in Shadows 011222 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Ka Vethan Scavenger 011222 |
10 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Path of Shadow, Protected by Blood 120821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Ka Vethan. These are ground spawns, seemingly in the more southern parts of the zone. |
Quiet as a Church Mouse 120821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Ka Vethan. These are ground spawns, seemingly in the more northern areas of the zone. |
Lingering Shadows 010622 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Ka Vethan. These drop in the 'Shei Vinitras' mission, from Akhevans. |
Sacrificial Artifacts 011222 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Ka Vethan. These drop from Shades. |
Vex Thal Scavenger 122821 |
10 |
Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Akhevan Insignia 122821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Vex Thal. These are dropped mostly by Akhevans. |
Reliefs of Vex Thal 121221 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Vex Thal. These are ground spawns in the lower castle, mostly. |
Captured Glimpses 122821 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Vex Thal. These are dropped mostly by Golems & Shades. |
Vex Thal Librarian 121221 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Vex Thal. These are ground spawns up in the towers of the castle. |
Steeped in Blood 021022 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Shadow Valley Scavenger 021022 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Riven Halasian Weapons and Gear 121021 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Shadow Valley. These are ground spawns, mostly in the lower 'valley' level. |
Ancient Halasian Runes 010222 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Shadow Valley. These are dropped by Beetles & Lurkers. |
Raven Gifts 121021 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Shadow Valley. These are ground spawns, mostly up on the ledges / area above the lower 'valley' level . |
Shadowed Remembrances 021022 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Shadow Valley. These are dropped by 'shadowy' MOB's (Shades, Dervishes...). |
Basilica of Adumbration Scavenger 010922 |
10 |
Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Prisoner Grub 010422 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Basilica of Adumbration. These are dropped by the Akhevan. |
Basilica Sentencings 121721 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Basilica of Adumbration. These are ground spawns in the upper floors. |
Correspondence from Lcea Katta 121021 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Basilica of Adumbration. These are ground spawns in the lower floors. |
Gargoyle Fragments 010922 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Basilica of Adumbration. These drop from Gargoyles. |
Bloodfalls Scavenger 012722 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Drops of Blood 122221 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Bloodfalls. These are ground spawns, primarily on the main level (zone in level). |
Bloodfalls Battlefield 010522 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Bloodfalls. These are dropped by Vampires. |
Vampire Chess Set 012722 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Bloodfalls. These drop in the 'Close the Gates' mission, mostly from Ticks, Bats & Blood Bags. |
Flora of the Bloodfalls 122122 |
10 |
Collect the eight (8) listed items, from Bloodfalls. These are ground spawns on the lower tiers / precipices of the zone. |
Basilica of Adumbration Bloodfalls |
Ka Vethan Maiden's Eye Shadow Valley |
Umbral Plains Vex Thal |
The generic strats / info below are from Dev / Beta notes, successful raids that I was part of, from what I recall and / or from research. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).
If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!
Aten Ha Ra | Vex Thal | |
Close the Gate | Bloodfalls | |
Doomshade | Umbral Plains | |
Free the Goranga | Maiden's Eye | |
Netherbian Horde | Umbral Plains | |
Oubliette of Light | Basilica of Adumbration | |
Primal Vampire | Bloodfalls | |
Shei Vinitras | Ka Vethan | |
Zelnithak | Umbral Plains |
Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.
The shadows cast by the light of Luclin have been whispering of intrigues. The Akheva are on the move, striving to reassert their power and rebuild their moon-wide empire. Amidst the turmoil of their actions, rumors abound. Mayong Mistmoore has been seen on Luclin. The only known truth is that the master vampire has since disappeared into the shadows and even his devoted followers and sycophants have begun to worry. Clearly something is stirring on the moon of Luclin. What secrets or magical power was the Lord of Mistmoore seeking? Is he trying to usurp another god? Do you have the strength to peer behind the shades and track down the vampire lord to prevent whatever evil he is plotting? With visions of Luclin herself walking the halls of Ka Vethan, The High Priestess, Aten Ha Ra, has secured her power and exerts her will over all the Akheva. She has restored Ka Vethan and has already reclaimed the surrounding areas. The Akheva intend to extend that influence throughout the moon, to reclaim what rightfully belongs to Luclin and her servants. Aten Ha Ra's power is impossible to deny, but can you deny her conquest? Aten Ha Ra is not the only enemy preventing Norrath's heroes from discovering the future of the planes and preventing the Mistress of Shadows from achieving whatever secret goal she seeks. Old enemies ranging from Doomshade to Zelnithak roam Luclin seeking to devour or destroy anyone in their path. Ancient beings from the planes wait in darkness and shadow and only the strongest heroes can defeat them! Not all Akheva agree with Aten Ha Ra. Join the resistance to stop the spread of the Akheva. Do tasks from the simple to the complex, working alone or with friends. Research the oddity of the shadows. Stop sacrifices of the weak. Explore the depths of Luclin’s prison. Become the force that will banish the shadows. |
Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.
They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).
A huge thank you to all involved!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated December 28, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.