Get your Levels... then get your AA's! That's the way... has been always! - Bonzz
Have you ever wondered how other Players seem to max out Levels, Alternate Advancement (AA's, aka Ability Points) or Mercenary AA's much faster than you do... and wonder what their secret is?
First off, they aren't cheating and there are quite a few ways to earn experience more consistently, more expediently, limit lost experience... and so forth!
Obviously, many of the below tactics / ideas may work best if you are all ready at or near Maximum Level & Maximum AA's, currently... but that doesn't mean they still can't be used to advantage!
Really, it's just a matter of attentiveness, strategic thinking and persistence.
NOTE: Many of the below tactics and ideas, while categorized, can (and do) often work hand-in-hand.
NOTE: You do not need to be a high-end, raid-geared, max Level, max AA Player to utilize the below tactics / ideas. Nor do you necessarily need help from other Players, but it helps.
NOTE: Some of these tactics / ideas / methods, may often force you to make a decision, or seem to contradict each other. Example, claiming a Quest Reward for the Experience... or save / bank it for later? So if you need experience to gain Levels and / or buy AA's, how can you 'speed' up experience by not taking that Experience? The answer is with one method, you are setting the table for the future (when a new expansion goes live, you can immediately gain at least (1) new Level... if new Levels are added)... and the other method is immediate satisfaction from claiming the experience now. So, during the course of the year, gain Levels / AA's via normal methods (solo / group content) or start work on saving things for next time or at the same time... or both (I suggest both)! It's all up to you! If you really feel like you need the experience now, to go towards max Levels / AA's, then by all means go that route. If you are max Level and either max AA's or only have junk A's left to buy, then definitely start setting up for the next expansion.
NOTE: Real Life is always a factor. The longer (per session) and more often (as many days a week as possible) you can play, the more experience you can gain. However, even if you have limited time, you can still benefit from many of the tactics / ideas, noted below. If your time is limited, be strategic (advance plan) about what you intend to do (get done) each time you log on, rather than just logging on and then deciding what to do.
NOTE: Even if you aren't a high-end, raid-geared Player, you don't need high-end raid-geared Players to help you or to group with, but that can can speed things up (DPS... kill pace). Even solo / molo you can still benefit from many of the tactics / ideas, noted below. In today's short attention span and immediate gratification world, many want to Play end-game content right away. As a result, they tend to play way over their head / capability / skill and very quickly become disenchanted by the game. If you don't play over your head, you can experience is much better, safer, less frustrating and, surprise, you may find that it is even more enjoyable, since you actually doing the content. So RULE #1: Don't Play over your head or capabilities! Use the Zone Guide (Hit the 'M' key to open your map and then click the 'Zone Guide Button in top right, you can then search zones by Levels). See here for details.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
1) PLAN FOR THE NEXT EXPANSION: EverQuest releases a new Expansion every year, in December.
Each expansion always adds new Alternative Advancement (AA's) to buy.
Every other Expansion adds five (5) new Levels to the game.
So, with that in mind, over the course of the year, you can do things that will help you earn Levels & AA's faster and / or immediately, when the new expansion goes Live.
What this means, basically, is plan and prepare ahead of time!
This does require a level of self-restraint (resisting temptation...), patience (hold off, don't do it now...) and similar, as will be noted below!
2) MAXIMIZE BEFORE EXPANSION DAY: Gaining Levels can be slow going, but AA's are not that hard to get.
Before the expansion goes live, do your best to have max Character Experience (Levels) at 99.999%.
Also do your best to have purchased as many / most of the 'beneficial' AA's that you can (related to Armor Class, Hit Points, Mana, DPS, Durability, Avoidance...).
Don't fret over the so-called 'junk' AA's -- like Regeneration, Tradeskills, Resists and so forth. This because not only are the other AA's actually more beneficial, but 'junk' AA's , after a point... are of minimal to no benefit (Levels, Gear, Overcaps and Game Caps kick in).
Doing this can allow you to immediately Level (on your first kill, quest reward claim or Overseer mission) and / or to buy a number of 'beneficial' AA's right away (from Quest Claims and / or Overseer missions)... rather than having to use some of that experience to get to the new AA's and Levels, first.
3) BANKING QUEST REWARDS: Banking Quest / Task Rewards means to NOT claim them!
Over the course of the year, when you complete Quests / Achievements, many of them will add nan entry in your Quest Rewards rewards window, rather than instantly grant the rewards. If they do go into your Quest Reward window where you have to purposely claim them... DON'T!
You can save up to ten (10) Quest Rewards this way!
First off, review each Reward. If the Reward includes Experience of some kind, save it! Do not claim it.
That is, unless the Reward includes something useful, needed, and / or you want (or need) right now.
Next, consider if the next expansion will (or should) include new Levels or not.
If it does, you want to save the Rewards that give you the most Experience towards Levels.
If the next expansion will not include new Levels, then you want to save the ones that give you the most AA's.
Once you have 10 Quest Rewards saved up, you will then have to review them every time you gain an 11th Quest Reward. Never camp with more than ten (10) unclaimed Quest Rewards, as you will lose one if you do!
Every time you get an 11th Quest Reward, you should get notice (warning) that you need to claim at least one of them. So, do exactly that. Claim the one that will be the least beneficial to you, based on the considerations just noted, above.
!!!WARNING!!!: Repeat! Do not camp with more than ten (10) unclaimed Quest Rewards! See above!
4) BANKING COLLECTS: Banking Collection Achievements means to not finish them and / or not to not complete them!
Collection Achievements, depending on your current Level, give a lot of AA's!
For this reason, even if the next expansion does, or does not, include new Levels -- you might hold off on actually competing these Achievements!
Instead, for each Collection, collect every item you get, except one! That is, leave one (1) item uncollected (don't click it) from each set! Instead, put that last item away in your Bank, your house, your Dragon's Hoard, your Parcels... or even on an alt!
When the expansion goes live, then retrieve those items and then collect (click) them... to literally rack up on the AA's!
!!!WARNING!!!: You do NOT want to click the last collect item and simply save the reward in you Quest Window. This is actually a waste of your banked / unclaimed Quest Rewards, as it there are better options of what to save here!
!!!WARNING!!!: After a new expansion goes live and it includes new Levels, you definitely do NOT want to click your banked / saved Collect items right away! Get your new Level first, then click them! This is because the AA Reward for Collections actually goes up by one (1) AA every five (5) Levels! So, if you claim them, for example, at 115, rather than 116, you forfeit an AA for each Collect Set!
!!!WARNING!!!: Do not save more than fifty (50) items in your Parcels! Never ever camp with more than fifty (50) items in your Parcels, otherwise you will actually lose items (they go poof)! In your Options Window (Alt O), on the right side towards the bottom, is a box that says, "Log Out Over Parcel Limit" -- make sure you have this set so you get a warning if you try to camp and you have over fifty (50) Parcels! This way you can withdraw some of them so they don't go poof!
CONSIDERATION: If the Collects AA's and reward items (if any) are actually needed or desired by you, then that is a decision you need to make. Save them for next expansion, or get them now.
5) BANKING UNFINISHED QUESTS / ACHIEVEMENTS: Banking Unfinished Quests / Tasks / Achievements, means to not finish them!
This method can be used in conjunction with Banking Quest Rewards (see above), particularly if you have ten (10) Rewards all ready saved up.
Achievements can not actually be 'saved up,' per se. Most Achievements are related to quests / tasks. If such Achievements include Experience / AA rewards, then you should consider not finishing that final quest / task until after the new expansion goes live. However, keep in mind that to do this, the quest / task has to be one you can save (it has no time limit). Due that, this is a tricky thing to do, particularly if the Achievement (Task / Quest) is related to progression, which is more important than saving it.
Once an Achievement is completed, it is completed. You can not do it again. It's one-and-done.
With this method you can potentially save up twenty-nine (29) more experience / AA boosts from quests and tasks (and, potentially, Achievements).
This method also requires that the Quests / Tasks have an 'Unlimited' timer (they do not expire on a timer, ever), meaning you can finish them whenever you get around to it.
Many, or most, Quests / Tasks and Achievements include Experience either as an Option, or as part of the Reward for completing them... not to mention that many of them directly relate to completing Achievements, which can also award experience.
Keep in mind, that many Quests / Tasks, and even Achievements, are immediate Rewards. This means, upon completion, the Rewards are granted right away! They do not go to your Quest Reward window where you can review and then decide to save / bank them, or not!
None the less, there is a way to save / bank such Quests / Tasks, anyway! To do this, get the Quests / Tasks and then do them up to the last step -- and then, DO NOT do the last step! Once the new expansion goes live, then you can do that last Step and finish the Quest / Task and / or the Achievement, as well!
So, take note of the ones that give decent Experience, then, before the new expansion is released, go do them up to the last step and then stop -- to bank up on your unfinished Quests / Tasks.
NOTE: You can only have twenty-nine (29) Quests / Tasks active at the same time in your Quest Journal (Task Window). So, once you reach twenty-nine (29) Active (Unfinished) Quests / Tasks, and you try to take on a new Quest / Task, you will not be able to do so! In that situation, you will have to either finish one of those Tasks / Quests (chose the one with the least Experience Reward) -- or abandon ('Remove') one of them -- which is not a good idea if there is only one (1) step top go. If you chose to abandon one of them, chose the one that awards the least experience and / or one where you have not completed any steps (you can go back later and start them over).
6) BANKING EXPERIENCE POTIONS: Banking Experience Potions means to stockpile them and not to use them.
There are Experience Potions that boost your earned experience by an extra 10% to as much as an extra 75%... and for as long as 8-hours!
While you can always buy Experience Potions in the Marketplace, there are ways to get them without doing so!
Experience Potions can be acquired by way of certain special Quests, particularly during special Events (i.e. Anniversary, albeit they are sometimes a one-time award).
You can also claim an Experience Potion for free, each Month, as an alternative / option to your Monthly DBC (DayBreak Cash) Reward (technically, you are awarded your 500 DBC and are then, immediately, allowed to expend it on a specially discounted Experience Potion).
Very often, one (1) or more Experience Potions are granted as part of your Purchase of an Expansion (sometimes limited to which version of the expansion you buy). These will show up in your /claim window.
You can also acquire / buy Experience Potions from other Players, by way of items like the Prize: Ping's Practical Potion Pack (a potential award from one of the Legends of Norrath Marketplace items).
1) CHARACTER EXPERIENCE 100%: Regular (Character) Experience is needed to gain Levels, and that can certainly be slow going, and is also far more slow going than earning AA's!
If new Levels are added with an Expansion, keep in mind that Levels are 100% always better than AA's! Always!
This is because Levels are an overall Character Boost, while AA's are a very narrow singular benefit.
With that in mind, you may want to maximize your Character / Regular (Level) Experience, and that means forgoing AA experience, for the time being!
In your Alternate Advancement Window (hit the letter V on your keyboard), there is a scroll bar labeled "AA Exp" (upper right). Right above it is a '+' & '-' Button. Use the '-' Button to set your AA Experience to a low level, or even zero (0). More on this is outlined below.
This way, up to 100% of your Experience will go towards gaining Levels!
Just because you do this does not mean you will not gain AA's as you adventure. Often, Rewards include both Regular (Level) Experience and AA Experience, by default (you get both).
However, AA's are easier / faster to get, so getting to max Level should be a primary concern.
2) STRATEGIC REZZING / EXPEDIENT RECOVERY: This tactic requires that you 100% watch the clock and don't forget to take action within a three (3) Hour time period, from the time of your first death.
With this method, you can eliminate any Experience loss, from deaths, during the noted three (3) hour time frame!
This tactic works on the fact that you have three (3) hours before a corpse rots and you can no longer rez it to regain any Experience!
This consideration only comes into play when your weekly Veteran AA called, 'Expedient Recovery,' is available.
If 'Expedient Recovery' is not available, then this Tactic is not an option (just be sure you get 96% rezzes, to limit your experience loss)!
If your 'Expedient Recovery' AA is available, and you die while you are actively adventuring, you may want to consider either taking a 'Call' (i.e. such as from a Shaman, no experience recouped) or just return on your own (i.e. run back), forgoing any actual 'Rez' (do NOT take a rez that includes any amount of experience recovery).
If you opt to do this - then you 100% need to note the time and take no Rezzes for the next 2.75 hours. At that point (2 Hours 45 Minutes, this allows a 15-minute buffer period, just in case your timing is off), go ahead and use your 'Expedient Recovery' AA to Rez (this is a 100% Rez) any and all corpses that you may have, all at the same time. You will get 100% (not 96%) of all lost experience back, for every corpse! I have done this before and actually got rezzed into a new Level!
NOTE: You can leave your corpse(s) where ever (it doesn't matter where your corpse(s) are with this tactic). If a Necro is in your Group, or you are a Necro yourself, /corpsedrag can be used to drag your corpse(s), so they can be raised and sent into battle! Or, if you go to a different zone, Necro's can summon them to the new zone, for the same reason!
!!!WARNING!!!! If you opt to do this, and you do not do Rez within the three (3) hour Limit, you WILL loose 100% of the lost Experience, rather than recoup it! Thus, the reason to do it at the 2.75 Hour mark, to be safe! Set a timer on your Phone, an alarm clock, your computer or wherever... but do not forget to Rez within three (3) hours of your first death! You can also set an in-game Alarm (EQ Button -> Actions -> Alarm).
3) LESSON OF THE DEVOTED: Use 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') every time (every day) you play EverQuest.
The 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') AA can be used once a day and adds 50% to your Experience gains, while it lasts.
Be sure to use it at a location where you can camp and kill for 30-minutes straight!
'Lesson of the Devoted' does stack with any Bonus Experience activated by DayBreak (see below), but it will not stack with Experience Potions.
4) EXPERIENCE POTIONS: If you have any Experience Potions, always use them to the most benefit.
This means being able to camp and kill as much as possible in one spot, for the duration of the Potion.
Also, keep in mind that Experience Potions sometimes have a Level Restriction (you have to be a certain Level to use it) and they do NOT stack with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') AA, so do not use them at the same time. Also, Experience Potions persist through death (you do not loose the buff).
In that these Potions can last as long as eight (8) hours, this might be hard to do. However, when you need to take a break... teleport to the Plane of Knowledge to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), where the timer should not count down. You can also camp and stop the timer until you log back on.
Another consideration is when DayBreak advertises, in advance, when they will be activating in-game Bonus Experience. If they do, save your best Potions for then, as Experience Potions will stack with DayBreak activated Experience Bonuses. So, if DayBreak activates a 50% in-game experience bonus, and you use a 75% experience potion, you will actually gain an extra 125% extra experience per kill (true double experience, plus another 25%)!
5) DAYBREAK BONUS EXPERIENCE EVENTS: Every so often, several times a year, DayBreak will activate Bonus Experience, of varying amounts.
What this means is that the in-game 'base' experience will be increased by the indicated amount. Because this is an increase in the 'base' amount of experience you get, it means it will stack with Experience Potions and / or with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' AA, to boost your Experience even more!
Just keep in mind that Experience Potions do NOT stack with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') AA, so do not use them at the same time.
Thus, when DayBreak advertises bonus experience (even if such notice is sometimes last minute), you should plan on Playing as much as possible during the time it is active. Additionally, be sure to use the 'Lesson of the Devoted' AA every day (see above) and also us Experience Potions during the bonus experience (just don't use an Experience Potion & LoTD at the same time).
6) OVERSEER: Overseer can be a great source of Experience!
Overseer Quests take variant amounts of time, normally 6, 12 or 24 Hours. The longer the Quest, the more experience you can gain from each one.
The Quests also come in progressively higher levels, that give progressively Higher Rewards (experience).
So, you want to do the Quests that are both higher level and longer times, for the most part. Do this every day and / or with every Overseer Cycle (every 12 hours), as often as you can (daily, if you can).
You are limited to having five (5) Overseer Quests running at any given time, and you can finish as many as ten (10) of them, every 12 Hours.
You can expend DayBreak Cash to finish any Overseer Quest right away, but you don't have to do this (you can just wait on them to finish on their own). You can often do at least ten (10) Quests every day, if you set up properly and / or play at least 6 Hours (or log back in later, just for Overseer purposes).
Example, when you log on do five (5) 6-Hour Quests. Before you camp (6 hours later, if possible), finish up those five (5) and start five (5) more that are 12-Hour-plus Quests. The next day, when you log in. Repeat each day.
7) EVERQUEST PERKS: If you want to pay for it, you can subscribe to one of the EverQuest perks and boost your base experience gains by 5%.
Specifically, this is the 'Adventurer's Perk,' which also boosts the amount of coin you get from kills / raids / missions by 10%.
This experience bonus does stack will all other experience boosts.
Additionally, the 'Challenger's Perk' will boost the experience your Merc gains, and it will also prevent loss of Level upon death. Thus, if you are just into a Level, this perk will insure that you do not suffer an experience loss that also results in dropping back down to your previous level (below 0% of current Level).
8) DON'T ADVENTURE ALONE: At it's heart, EverQuest is a social game.
Adventuring with others makes it easier to gain Experience because the kills happen faster, deaths happen less often, you can take on higher Level targets (read that more Experience for each kill).
Additionally, by adventuring with others, there is a not-to-well-known Experience Boost for being in a full group.
9) DOUBLE DIP: Rather than just repetitive killing, adventure with a purpose!
Pursue Quests, Missions and Achievements as you Adventure to get added Experience from doing those, on top of the regular experience from MoB kills!
In recent expansions, Achievements from progression sets (Mercenary, Partisan and Hero), literally award huge chunks of Experience (as in over 10%, 20% or more)!
10) HOT ZONES AND ADVENTURES: Depending on your Level, you may find the Daily Hot Zone and Heroic Adventures are pretty good and easy / quick Experience.
Simply talk to Clayton Teek and Franklin Teek to get their Daily offering(s) and go do them (usually, they will even teleport you to the zone).
11) DON'T DIE: This may sound obvious and silly to point out, but it is 100% true.
The only type of Experience you can lose is Character (Level) Experience (not AA or Merc Experience)... and that can only happen if you die!
When you die, you lose about 10% Experience and standard Rezzes can only get you back 96% of that at best... unless you have 'Expedient Recovery' (see above) or get a once-a-day 100% Rez that a Cleric can do.
Even more, after dying you have to regen from Rez Sickness, loss of Mana, loss of Endurance and you can also use rebuffs, which can take away from the time you are actively killing MoB's for experience!
There are ways to die less. One is to group, as a full group of Players (see above).
Another way to to quest and acquire an emergency escape items, such as the Drunkard's Stein or the Gyrospire Relocation Device -- both of which are, essentially, immediate Gate clickies (instant cast time)! In a dire situation you can gate out and live to fight another day, with no Experience loss (you just have to get back to where you were).
If you do gate, Fellowship Campfires and changing your Bind Point (if possible) can make it more expedient to return and get right back to earning Experience.
Additionally, all classes have a way of losing Aggro either via a class Skill or Spell (i.e. Monk or Necro Feign Death) or an AA (i.e. Paladin Balefire). Have it handy and use it, if need be!
12) LEARNER'S AURA: Enchanters get a spell called Learners Aura, at Level 76.
This 'aura' helps everyone in the group, that are in range. It is a bonus to Experience gains of 5%, 7% or 9% (Rank I, II or III).
So, if you are an Enchanter, or group with an Enchanter, you can boost your Experience gains with this Aura.
NOTE: It does NOT stack with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD').
1) ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT PERCENTAGE SETTING: If you are at Maximum Character Level, then your focus should be on maxing out your Alternate Experience (AA's) abilities.
However, there is still some validity with getting your Character (Level) Experience to 99.999% and maintaining it there, thus, you do not want to go 100% AA's, until that is accomplished.
In your Alternate Advancement Window (hit the letter V on your keyboard), there is a scroll bar labeled "AA Exp" (upper right). Right above it is a '+' & '-' Button. Use the '-' Button to set your AA Experience to at least 50%.
In fact, while, the scroll bar moves your AA up / down by 10% at a time, there is an in-game command you can use to set it to different values, that are not 10% increments.
The command is /alternateadv on XX, where 'XX' is a number between 0 and 100.
I recommend you set it to either 93% or 97%, due an old-school unverified rumor about EQ Math. It is said that EQ Math always rounds up percentages. With that in mind, some have suggested that setting AA Experience at either 93% or 97% can gain you extra (free) Experience because of this rounding-up (7 is rounded to 10 & 3 is rounded to 5).
Personally, if this actually works, I think, at best, it might get you 2% extra Experience (97 rounds to 98 & 3 rounds to 4), if any at all.
Now that the Experience bar actually shows three decimals, I would be surprised if there is any extra Experience to be had at all.
Even if it doesn't work, those percentages are still a good setting for maximizing the pace at which you earn AA's while still maintaining your Character Experience.
2) LESSON OF THE DEVOTED: Use 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') every time (every day) you play EverQuest.
The 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') AA can be used once a day and adds 50% to your Experience gains, while it lasts.
Be sure to use it at a location where you can camp and kill for 30-minutes straight!
'Lesson of the Devoted' does stack with any Bonus Experience activated by DayBreak (see below), but it will not stack with Experience Potions.
3) GROUP: At it's heart, EverQuest is a social game.
Adventuring with others makes it easier to gain Experience because the kills happen faster, deaths happen less often, you can take on higher Level targets (read that more Experience for each kill) and also by adventuring with others, there is a not-to-well-known Experience Boost for being in a full group.
4) EXPERIENCE POTIONS: If you have any Experience Potions, always use them to the most benefit.
This means being able to camp and kill as much as possible in one spot, for the duration of the Potion.
Also, keep in mind that Experience Potions sometimes have a Level Restriction (you have to be a certain Level to use it) and they do NOT stack with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD') AA, so do not use them at the same time. Also, Experience Potions persist through death (you do not loose the buff).
In that these Potions can last as long as eight (8) hours, this might be hard to do. However, when you need to take a break... teleport to the Plane of Knowledge to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), where the timer should not count down. You can also camp and stop the timer until you log back on.
Another consideration is when DayBreak advertises, in advance, when they will be activating in-game Bonus Experience. If they do, save your best Potions for then, as Experience Potions will stack with DayBreak activated Experience Bonuses. So, if DayBreak activates a 50% in-game experience bonus, and you use a 75% experience potion, you will actually gain an extra 125% extra experience per kill (true double experience, plus another 25%)!
5) HEROIC ADVENTURES: Depending on your Level, you may find the Daily Hot Zone and Heroic Adventures are pretty good Experience.
Simply talk to Clayton Teek and Franklin Teek to get their Daily offering and go do them (usually, they will even teleport you to the zone).
6) DOUBLE DIP: Rather than just repetitive killing, adventure with a purpose!
Pursue Quests, Missions and Achievements as you Adventure to get added Experience from doing those, on top of regular experience!
In recent expansions, Achievements from progression sets (Mercenary, Partisan and Hero), literally award huge chunks of Experience (to include AA's)!
7) LEARNER'S AURA: Enchanters get a spell called Learners Aura, at Level 76.
This 'aura' helps everyone in the group, that are in range. It is a bonus to Experience gains of 5%, 7% or 9% (Rank I, II or III).
So, if you are an Enchanter, or group with an Enchanter, you can boost your Experience gains with this Aura.
NOTE: It does NOT stack with the 'Lesson of the Devoted' (aka 'LoTD').
1) OVERSEER: Overseer can be a great best source of all, for Mercenary Experience!
Overseer Quests take variant amounts of time, normally 6, 12 or 24 Hours. The longer the Quest, the more experience you can gain from each one.
They also come in progressively higher levels, that give progressively grant Higher Rewards (experience).
Overseer quest rewards can offer 'Mercenary' experience or 'Character' experience.
As odd as this may sound, the one you want to claim, is the 'Character' experience! This is because, for some odd reason, the 'Character' experience also awards Mercenary experience. In fact, it usually awards Mercenary experience in an amount that is better than the 'Mercenary' experience option!
So, you want to do the Quests that are both higher level and longer times, for the most part, that offer the 'Character' experience option. Do this every day and / or every Overseer Cycle (every 12 hours).
You are limited to having five (5) Overseer Quests running at any given time, and you can finish as many as ten (10) of them, every 12 Hours.
You can expend DayBreak Cash to finish any Overseer Quest right away, but you don't have to do this. You can do least ten (10) Quests every day, if you set up properly and / or play at least 6 Hours (or log back in later, just for Overseer purposes).
Example, when you log on do five (5) 6-Hour Quests. Before you camp (6-hours later, maybe), finish up those five (5) and start five (5) more that are 12-Hour-plus Quests. The next day, when you log in. Repeat each day.
2) HEROIC ADVENTURES: Simply talk to Clayton Teek to get his Daily offerings (Heroic Adventures) and go do them.
He will even teleport you to the zone / Quest NPC.
These Heroic Adventures, depending on your Level, are not overly hard to do, and they often grant bonus Merc AA's (full Merc AA's), as a reward.
3) USE YOUR MERC: When ever you are adventuring, use your Merc as often and as long as you can.
You do no get Merc experience while adventuring, unless you have your Merc active!
Mercs do not benefit by Experience Potions or LoTD.
1) POWER LEVELING: There is a process known as 'power leveling' Characters.
This process actually can / does involve the processes / methods all ready noted on this page (above), but the process is made easier by way of certain tactics.
First off, this process does require more capable and / or higher Level Character(s) to 'power level' your Character.
The process may -- or may not -- mean that your character is grouped with the more capable and / or higher Level Character(s).
The 'tactics' can include the following:
As a note, where this process is carried out is guided by experience considerations, such as missions and / or zones that provide more experience per kill, and / or from mission / Achievement completions; in Hot Zones; if you can you can actually group with the more capable and / or higher Level Character(s) (and still get experience); and so on.
The 'where' is decided by your Characters Level and flagging, such can you group with the more capable and / or higher Level Character(s) or not; can you solo or battle multiple MoB's with a little outside assistance; can you accept task adds with Level restriction considerations; Hot Zones; if a Zone has Level / Flagging restrictions; experience per kill in said zones; and so on.
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated July 8, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.