(0 to 300)
UPDATE: With the advent of Personas, it is now possible to complete all tradeskills on the same character!
Below are suggestions on the cheapest, easiest and/or best way that I found in mastering trade skills!
This guide is for getting your skill(s) from 0 to 300 and is not concerned with learning recipes, which a a requirement for getting from 301 to 350 (that process is outlined here).
Below are notes about tradeskills, in general, and processes for maximizing them!
These suggestions are not intended to make you money, but to help you skill up!
In fact, expect to spend major coin over and lose money!
Thus, these recipes are ones where items are mostly store bought, are reasonably easy or cheap to obtain from other players and/or are not too difficult to farm at certain levels (the less foraging, the better).
If you have the ability to forage and solo farm (via alts and boxes) -- then obviously there are potentially better options open for you, and this guide may not be the best one to follow.
NOTE: "UPDATED" means a skill path has been updated for later expansions, through Empires of Kunark. After all, platinum is far less of a concern now, than it was back in the day; plus, older trade skill materials are generally far less costly in Bazaar (if they are even listed in Bazaar, anymore).
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Alchemy (Shaman Only) Baking (Cooking) Blacksmithing (Smithing) Brewing
Fishing Fletching (Bowyering) Jewelry Making Poisonmaking (Rogue Only)
Pottery Research Tailoring Tinkering (Gnome Only)
Tradeskills are learned, trained, researched and honed abilities that allow you to make things.
Tradeskills must be purposely worked on and will require many special tools and / or devices (kits, hammers, needles, etc...).
Tools are reusable and you will all most always get them back (with some exception).
Mastering tradeskills can be a very long and very expensive endeavor!
Tradeskills also require raw material that you must buy, loot, craft or otherwise acquire.
When working on these skills you can and will suffer failures. This normally means the attempt fails and the raw materials (not to include tools) are lost or destroyed in the failed process.
This loss of raw materials in failed combines can be reduced with the AA called Salvage.
The AA for each skill (Tradeskill Mastery) can also reduce how often you fail combines, as well as allow you to increase skills beyond 300 (see here).
Successful combines will gain you the item you sought to create.
All tradeskills can be taken to a skill level of 200.
You may only take one tradeskill above 200. After that, you can only take the other tradeskills above 200 via the AA called "New Tanaan Crafting Mastery" (with the exception of specialty skills of Alchemy, Tinkering, Poison Making & Research).
You decide which one goes above 200, by the first one you skill up past 200. You also decide the second skill above 200 (via New Tanaan Mastery AA) in the same manner (and so on for each New Tanaan AA Level).
Presently, the maximum tradeskill level a player can attain is 300 (getting to 350 involves a different process, after you reach 300).
Fishing maxes out at 200 with the process outlined on this page (getting to 250 involves a different process, after you reach 200).
Tradeskill levels can be enhanced (modified) with equipped special items, by up to 15% (i.e. Tradeskill Trophies / Tradeskill Modifiers).
Tradeskill modifiers do NOT stack, so equipping more than one skill modifier for the same skill serves no purpose.
Alchemy is a Shaman Only skill.
Poisonmaking is a Rogue Only skill.
Tinkering is a Gnome Only skill.
Tradeskills do intertwine. You will find that one tradeskill is often needed to make an item (ingredient) used in the combines of another tradeskill. For this reason, it is often expedient to equip a tradeskill trophy in each slot that they will fit in (primary, secondary...), to save yourself the time and effort from the constant back-and-forth. The ones you equip can vary by the skill you are working on vs. the supportive skills it may involve (the skills used to make items for the skill you are working on).
Once you max out a tradeskill trophy (max level) you can place it in your house and activate it like any other trophies, at a cost of zero tribute (free use). If all of your trophies are maxed out, once placed in your house, you can activate as many as you want (limited by how many trophy tribute slots you have unlocked). See here for more.
NOTE: If a trophy is not maxed out, it will function as a house trophy, but will not gain experience unless you have it on you and equipped, when doing tradeskill combines. Also, when activating Tradeskill Trophies via tribute, be sure you replace or remove all other non-tradeskill trophies, as they do cost you tribute if you don't remove them from them from your current activation list. Basically, you only want to activate only the tradeskill trophies and nothing else.
You can swap out trophy sets from any zone by opening your inventory window, click the plot items button and then click the trophy icon.
The in-game recipe search function (your known recipes) only include the basic and common recipes. All other recipes must be "discovered," "learned" and/or "scribed" (via a quest, from a purchased recipe book, from a successful combine, etc.).
Once you succeed on a combine with a new recipe, that recipe will automatically be added to your known recipes listings. However, there are some recipes that will not "learn" and add to your "known" recipes list. This is usually the case with recipes that are quest-related combines and/or use quest-related ingredients.
There are recipes that will require you to obtain items or services from other players, as some of the combine items are made with a crafted items using skills you may not have (re: Tinkering, Alchemy or Poisonmaking)... or are created with spells or alternative advancement abilities that you can not cast or do not have (re: enchanted or imbued items).
Most recipes result in just one item, but some recipes can produce as many as 20 items... maybe more. This is something you may need to be aware of in some cases. Example, you need some Cream to use in Baking, so you buy a stack of each ingredient and "combine all" -- not stopping to think each combine makes eight (8) of them -- so you end up with 160 Cream. This can be a waste of some coin (the purchased ingredients or tossed aside extras), effort / time and even bag space (you did far more combines than you needed to do).
Some recipes have alternate recipes, meaning there is more than one way to make the same item. The good example of this is Celestial Essence, which has a long list of alternative ingredient combines. Some recipes not only have alternate recipes, but produce varied quantities, such as with the Clump of Dough (the type of egg determines how many are produced).However, each variant recipe is considered a separate and learned recipe.
Some items can be made with multiple trade skills using varying recipes (i.e.: the same item can be made via Tailoring or Blacksmithing or Tinkering....).
It is beneficial to have all of the current EQ expansions, to insure access to all the vendors, drops and recipes.
Tradeskill Trophies have the added advantage of being able to cast up a No Rent 100% weight reduction bags. However, much larger and more useful bags are available via tradeskills, Bazaar or the Marketplace. I recommend that you carry as many of the largest bags you can acquire, as possible (that will hold any items... not just tradeskill items).
Generally recognized landmarks in tradeskills are 100 (Master; Apprentice title), 200 (Cap without AA; Journeyman title), 220 (Aid Grimel Level), 250 (once known as Grandmaster; Expert title; Eron Level) and 300 (Master Title, now known as Grand Master; Coldain Prayer Shawl 2.0 level), and now, 350 (game maximum). Achievements happen at the 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340 & 350 Levels.
Tradeskill are a time sink. Most of the time sync is spent between combines gathering the ingredients, managing bag space and looking up/reviewing the recipe(s). Get used to this. Learn little time savers such as the proximity trick to open a tradeskill window and a related vendor window at the same time. This will allow you to buy/sell items on the fly, as you do combines.
The Tradeskill Depot was added to the game with the Night of Shadows expansion. Tradeskillers rejoice! The Tradeskill Depot allows you to drop all your Tradeskill items into one account / server wide accessible location, in stacks of up to 99,999 (with some exceptions). As a result, you can do Tradeskill combines, from anywhere, using tradeskill items you either have on you, in your Tradeskill Depot... or both!
It has long been rumored, but never proven, that....
Sitting, or sitting on a mount, while doing combines, can increase the chances of skill increases and reduce combine fails.
Attempting combines that are within 25 levels over your skill level, may up your chances of a skill increase while reducing failed combines. I can say that it does seem to reduce failures.
Having certain buffs up, that benefit wisdom, intelligence, dexterity and agility, may improve your chances of skill increases and reduce failed combines.
It has been reported that the skill up and combine success rates might be better in the Plane of Knowledge.
Get your tradeskill trophy at the very start.
Always, always, always equip your tradeskill trophy (or modifier).
BIG DEAL: If you intend to go all the way to 350, then listen up! 350 involves learning loads of recipes, despite their trivial. Thus, while you are working on certain skills and recipe sets, and you have certain raw materials in hand, you may as well make at least one (1) of everything that they can make. This will add to the grind early, but will be tremendously beneficial on the other side of 300.
Using a stand alone combine device allows you more bag space, versus using a portable device carried on your person. There is such a device for every skill in the Plane of Knowledge.
While there are Tradeskill Freebie quests in Crescent Reach, absolutely, the number one thing, is to do the Abysmal Sea freebie tradeskill quests! They will get you to Level 54 for free! Even better, the Abysmal Sea tasks allow the ability to refine GoD (Gates of Discord) raw materials! NOTE: There is no Research freebie quest in Abysmal Sea, so go to Crescent Reach for that one.
Charisma (buff up!)! Charisma will help with merchant prices (cheaper to buy them & the more you get when you sell them). After a point however, this benefit maxes out (around 200 Charisma).
While some items can be sold to players for more than a merchant will pay, this is not likely. The market demand must be there, and usually... it is not!
Set up a "mule" in Bazaar to try to sell things while you are not playing, to help make up for losses. Click here for some ideas on selling in Bazaar.
Skill up over time, if you want to take the casual approach. Try to gain at least five skill-levels for every Character Level (after Level 21), so that by Level 60 you will be at or near 200 on all skills. Buy the AA's and you can be at 300 by Level 80.
Save any and all drops that may be needed for tradeskills (they generally stack to 1,000). Using the Advanced Loot system will be of tremendous use in this area.
Check merchants for tradeskill items, as players often sell some desirable items to merchants. This is especially true in "populous zones," like the Guild Lobby, the Plane of Knowledge, Crescent Reach and others. Some people call this "Merchant Diving" or "Vendor Diving."
Consider creating and developing (progressing up) alternate characters for the purpose of farming and/or access to tradeskills/abilities that your Main Character doesn't have (re: Alchemy, Tinkering, Poison Making, Foraging, Enchanting, Imbuing, Tracking...).
When crafting certain "lines" of armor... go with the ones that require the least amount of items. Example -- a Chest item may require three (3) sheets of metal, while the Face item will require only one (1). The chest item may have a higher trivial, but not by much. By making the face item instead of the chest item -- you can attempt three combines as opposed to just the one combine.
Research! Research! Research! Research things rather than blindly going into them. Research is done via EQ related web-sites. Make notes!
For recipes that find yourself using often, use the "Add" button in the recipe window. This will make the recipe automatically appear as a "favorite" in your combine window and save you from having to search for it... each and every time. However, you can only "retain" a total of about 500 "favorite" recipes. This is a cumulative total for all combine containers for all skills. Thus, if you use all 500 "favorites" in your Research container... you will not be able to have any in any other containers.
Once you have advanced beyond a certain recipe trivial, and don't use a saved (added) recipe much, if at all, anymore... use the "Remove" button so that it doesn't appear in your combine window favorites anymore (you can pull it back up with a search, if you ever need it again). There is less clutter this way and opens up room for other recipes to be saved as a favorite recipes.
You may notice that recipe trivials have different colors in the recipe window. This works exactly like considering (/con) MOB's, except it relates to combine trivials versus your skill level.
On your maps, always add marks / labels for Tradeskill NPC's/Merchants, Forges, Ovens, Looms, Pottery Wheels, Kilns and similar. Make sure to "Save" the map afterwards.
Use the automatic combine window as much as possible (as opposed to the "Experiment" view).
Use the "auto inventory" feature, as opposed to dropping items in your bags manually.
If you are close enough to a merchant, you can leave the merchant window open while you are doing combines! This way, you can easily sell and/or buy items on the fly. NOTE: You may need to open merchant window first, to do this.
Faction can hinder your ability to farm, craft, purchase or obtain items in certain zones. So, be aware of this. While another player, or an alt, may be able to venture into a zone safely and the vendors will sell them things, it is also possible the item is No Trade. To get around this issue, you can always shroud into a rogue and try to hide, sneak and get-behind-the-vendor technique.
If you are not sure of what a term, phrase or reference means, you can very likely find what it means here.
Refining Gates of Discord Raw Materials (aka Tradeskill Freebies) (see below or click here)
Aid Grimel Quest (click here)
Cultural Tradeskill Quests (see the Half Elf version here)
Luclin Smithing (click here)
Reinforced Jeweler's Kit (click here)
Fisherman's Companion (click here)
A Hargar Brand Fishing Pail (click here)
Eron's Jewelry (click here)
Artisan's Prize (click here)
Getting skills from 300 to 350 (click here)
These recipes are purposely chosen to try and limit foraged items, rare drops, unreasonably expensive ingredients and hard-to-farm items (at least in quantity).
Obviously, the higher your level, the easier some things are to farm. Therefore, at higher skill levels, I have assumed that your character has also attained higher character levels.
If you wish, you can skip over steps, but remember the tips above.
Many tradeskills intertwine, so don't be surprised if you will need to craft items with one skill for the combines in another skill.
I will not be listing where to obtain or how to make "Special Tools." For the most part you can either buy them from a vendor, make them yourself and/or obtain/buy them from another player.
Feel free to experiment with combines other than the ones below. Especially if you feel you can obtain the ingredients easier and/or cheaper.
In the listings below, I have tried my best to list the merchants in the same order as the items they sell. In other words, Merchants who sell the items you need are generally listed in the same order as the items in the adjoining column.
This also applies to farmed items and the zones you farm them in.
AKA: Potion Making.
DEVICES: Medicine Bag; Reinforced Medicine Bag; Alchemy Table.
0 to 54 |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Jorlan Hegeway Lita Hegeway |
N/A |
Oven or Spit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC's will give you the combine items, but you will need dropped items to trade with the NPC's (Sample of Highland Sludge & Sample of Taelosian Sludge, that drop in Gates of Discord & Seeds of Destruction zones)! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
(Outlined in task window) |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons: First, at this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare. Then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 106 |
Plane of Knowledge | Distillate of Skin Spikes IV |
Blue Vervain Bulb Makeshift Potion Vial Sprig of Acaana Sprig of Comfrey Sprig of Flamewort (2) |
Alchemist Redsea |
N/A |
Any type of Medicine Bag or Alchemy Table |
All vendor sold. |
107 to 178 |
Plane of Knowledge | Distillate of Skin Spikes VI |
Acaana Bugbane Comfrey Flamewort (2) Plain Potion Vial |
Alchemist Redsea | N/A |
Any type of Medicine Bag or Alchemy Table |
All vendor sold. |
179 to 210 |
Plane of Knowledge | Philter of the Wolf V |
Birthwort Dragonwart Fenugreek Measure of Wolf Blood (2) Smooth Potion Vial |
Alchemist Redsea or Edvard O'Danos |
N/A |
Any type of Medicine Bag or Alchemy Table |
All vendor sold. |
211 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge | Distillate of Alacrity IX |
Small Vial (5) Comfrey Arnworth Deepwater Ink |
....... | ..... |
Any type of Medicine Bag or Alchemy Table |
Deepwater Ink can be farmed in the Reef of Coirnav. |
AKA: Cooking
DEVICES: Mixing Bowl, Spit, Oven, Ice Cream Churn...
SOME RELATED TOOLS/ITEMS: Cake Round; Pie Tin; Non-Stick Frying Pan, Muffin Tin, Crab Cracker; Bucket; Smoker...
NOTES: This skill is not actually all that expensive to master, in the long run. In fact, if you have the coin and the time, you can probably master this skill relatively quick. While some of the high end tradeskills are cumbersome, many of the items made can and do sell in Bazaar (even if at low profit), particularly certain stat food and drink items.
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Ordin Wheasly |
N/A |
Oven or Spit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
(Outlined in task window) |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons: First, at this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare. Then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
TRAINING POINTS | Plane of Knowledge | Skill Levels |
N/A (Earned Training Points) |
(Class Guild Trainer) | N/A | N/A | If you have the training points; are willing to spend them; and feel like spending them can help reduce significant costs, time and effort in this skill... feel free to use your points to buy free skill levels from your class guild trainer in the Plane of Knowledge. As a note, they can only train you to a skill of 100 and you will not likely have enough Training Points to do this for every skill. |
55 to 135 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Fish Rolls |
Fresh Fish Bat Wing |
Ramos Jerwan & Darius Gandril |
N/A |
Oven or Spit |
The ingredients are vendor sold & cheap! |
136 to 191 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Patty Melt |
Cheese Loaf of Bread Wolf or Bear or Lion Meat |
Culkin Ironstove |
Non-Stick Frying Pan |
Oven or Spit |
You will need to acquire or make a Non-Stick Frying Pan. |
192 to 207 |
Abysmal Sea |
Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Rolls |
Bat Wing Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Meat |
Duath Untez |
Fishing Pole & Bait |
Brew Barrel & Oven or Spit & Mixing Bowl |
Now it starts getting involved, but not necessarily expensive. This one involves sub-combines and farming. Take a Fishing Pole and some Bait, then fish up the Saltwater Crab Meat and/or Saltwater Tuna (Natimbi). It comes in various weights that you will have to break down into 1 lb. Saltwater Crab or Tuna (combine them in a Mixing Bowl). Then make them into Saltwater Crab (or Tuna) Meat (combine them again, in a Mixing Bowl). As a note, take a few empty bags with you, as you will get a lot of Crab & Tuna in a short time. Now you will need to make the Beer-Based Batter (Brewing), using items (Cup of Flour, Cup of Sugar, Ground Pepper, Red Wine, Short Beer & Vinegar) sold by the brewing and/or baking vendors. Next, make the Beer-Battered Crab (Meat and Batter in a Mixing Bowl). Lastly, make the Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Rolls (Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Meat with a Bat Wing in a Mixing Bowl). |
208 to 252 |
Your Choice & Abysmal Sea |
Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Souffle |
Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Meat (2) Egg Batter Clump of Dough Vegetables |
Tylida Eraldi & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Brew Barrel & Oven or Spit & Mixing Bowl |
First off, you will need a most any type of egg, to make Egg Batter (Bottle of Milk & most any egg in a Mixing Bowl). You also need them to make Clump of Dough (Bottle of Milk, Cup of Flour and most any egg in a Mixing Bowl). Eggs drop off most "reptile" type MOB's in many zones, so farm them up wherever you please. Or buy them. If you have plenty of Crab & Tuna left over from above, great! If not, time to do more fishing! You will also need Vegetables. If you don't have any, you can make them using items sold by the Baking vendor (Carrot, Turnip & Lettuce) in a Mixing Bowl. When ready, as above, make the crab (and tuna) into into Beer-Battered Crab (or Tuna) Meat. Then use the Beer-Battered Meat, a Clump of Dough, (2) Egg Batter and Vegetables to make the souffle (in an Oven)! |
253 to 300 |
Brell's Rest & Plane of Knowledge |
Beer-Braised Brell's Bounty Jerky |
Beer-Battered Brell's Bounty Jug of Sauces Smoker |
Chef Denrun |
Smoker |
Brew Barrel & Mixing Bowl & Oven |
You need a Smoker (player made). Head to Brell's Rest. Brell's Bounty are ground spawns (they look like white mushrooms). They can also be foraged and they also drop from MOB's (mostly Burynai). You will need a a few hundred of them! Of course, you can always buy them, acquire them from other players or, perhaps you have some stockpiled! Once ready, head to Plane of Knowledge. As above, you will need more Beer-Based Batter. Next, you need to make the Brell's Bounty into Prepared Brell's Bounty (Brell's Bounty and a Water Flask in a Mixing Bowl) Now make the Beer-Battered Brell's Bounty (Beer-Based Batter & Prepared Brell's Bounty in a Mixing Bowl). Next, buy some Jug of Sauces and make the Jerky (Oven)! |
AKA: Smithing; Metalworking; Metallurgy
DEVICES: Forge(s)
RELATED TOOLS & ITEMS: Smithy Hammer; Var Shir Anvil; File; Blacksmith's Adamantine Hammer, Velium Smithy Hammer, Grandmaster's Smith 's Hammer; Geerlok Automated Hammer; Humming Luclinite Mallet, File...
NOTES: This skill can be pretty expensive and difficult to master, in the long run, even if you can farm most of the needs.
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Snokin Breaksteel |
N/A |
Forge |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
(Outlined in task window) |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons: First, at this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare. Then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
TRAINING POINTS | Plane of Knowledge |
N/A (Earned Training Points) |
(Guild Class Trainer) | (Varies by Class) | N/A | N/A | If you have the training points; are willing to spend them; and feel like spending them can help reduce significant costs, time and effort in this skill... feel free to use your points to buy free skill levels from your class guild trainer in the Plane of Knowledge. As a note, they can only train you to a skill of 100 and you will not likely have enough Training Points to do this for every skill. |
55 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge & As Needed |
(Optional) Chain Bracer Template |
Chainmail Bracer Template Pattern & Metal Tempering Chemicals & (Optional) Ore & (Optional) Coal |
Blacksmith Gerta |
Smithy Hammer |
Forge |
Now it gets more expensive and/or time consuming, but at least options are available. First off, go to the tradeskill book vendors by up by the library in the Plane of Knowledge. Buy and scribe all of the books/scrolls related to smithing, to avoid any possible concerns later, from not being able to do combines due to having never done this. From 55 all the way to 300, you can make various types of Chain Bracer Templates. The type you make is determined by the type of ore you use, and the related type of coal you need. The only thing that is not vendor sold, are the Ores. The ores can be acquired from other players, purchased in Bazaar, from vendor diving and/or farmed up. Because of the difficulty in obtaining some ores in quantity, having options is the best idea! Using the below chart, seek out ores that are above your current trivial and then do the related combine. The recipe is always the same, for any type ore, with the exception of the coal type required. The chart below lists the ore, the trivial and the coal type needed. The lower the ore on the chart, the cheaper the vendor components will be. 20 Tin Ore / Crude Coal 40 Iron Ore / Natural Coal 66 Silvril Ore / Sulfurous Coal 90 Thalium Ore / Brown Coal 124 Iridium Ore / Nitrous Coal 158 Fulginate Ore / Dull Black Coal 196 Rubicite Ore / Brown Nitrous Coal 234 Indium Ore / Dark Brown Coal 272 Rhenium Ore / Black Nitrous Coal 310 Tungsten Ore / Lustrous Coal 348 Cobalt Ore / Toulene Coal 386 Titanium Ore / Anthracite Coal 424 Tantalum Ore / Bituminous Coal 488 Osmium Ore / Purified Coal 488 Vanadium Ore / Brimstone Coal 488 Palladium Ore / Shiny Coal 488 Scorched Ore / Charged Coal |
AKA: Bootlegging
DEVICES: Brew Barrel, Collapsed Distillery...
RELATED TOOLS & ITEMS: , Cyclops Skull, Corking Device...
NOTES: This skill is pretty cheap to master, in the long run! In fact, you can get to 248 within a day or two.. and darn cheap too!
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Yitimis Groglenog |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
(Outlined in task window) |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons: First, at this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare. Then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
TRAINING POINTS | Plane of Knowledge | N/A (Earned Training Points) | (Guild Class Trainer) | (Varies by Class) | N/A | N/A | If you have the training points; are willing to spend them; and feel like spending them can help reduce significant costs, time and effort in this skill... feel free to use your points to buy free skill levels from your class guild trainer in the Plane of Knowledge. As a note, they can only train you to a skill of 100 and you will not likely have enough Training Points to do this for every skill. |
55 to 68 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Ale |
Barley Malt Water Cask |
Brewmaster Berina |
N/A |
Brew Barrel or Collapsed Distillery |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
69 to 122 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Fetid Essence |
Fishing Grubbs Water |
Caden Zharik & Brewmaster Berina |
N/A |
Brew Barrel or Collapsed Distillery |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
123 to 135 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Ol'Tujim's Fierce Brew |
Barley Hops Yeast Malt Cask |
Brewmaster Berina |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
136 to 188 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Faydwer Shaker |
Mead Dwarven Ale Elven Wine Gnomish Spirits Cask |
Brewmaster Berina |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
189 to 248 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Minotaur Hero's Brew |
(3) Malt (2) Water Flask (2) Short Beer Yeast Cask |
Brewmaster Berina |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
249 to 250 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Clear Absinth |
Bottle Water Flask Grande Wormwood |
Brewmaster Berina & Alchemist Redsa |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
All store bought and reasonably cheap! |
251 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge & Oceangreen Hills |
Rose Absinth |
Absinth Corn Rose |
N/A |
N/A |
Brew Barrel |
You will need to make a lot of the above combine (Clear Absinth). You will also need to acquire a lot of Corn Rose. These are found as ground spawns in Oceangreen Hills, near the Oceangreen Village zone. You can also acquire them from other players or buy them in Bazaar, if you like. This will require a lot of time, as there are only so many spawn spots and they take a little time to respawn -- but it is a real cheap way to 300. |
AKA: Angling, Fly Making...
DEVICES: Tackle Box, Fly Making Bench, Bait Dispenser...
RELATED TOOLS & ITEMS: Fishing Pole, Bait, Filleting Knife, Skinning Knife, Gutting Knife...
NOTES: Super cheap to max out... but time-consuming.
NPC'S (Merchants) |
0 to 200 |
Any Zone where you can find water, lava (sometimes) or similar liquid accumulations that you can fish in. |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Fishing Pole (any kind) & Bait (any kind) |
N/A |
There is no need at all for the Tackle Box (and doing combines therein). Simply fish and fish and fish. |
AKA: Bowyering, Bow Making, Furniture Making, Arrow Making
DEVICES: Fletching Kit(s), Fletching Table...
RELATED TOOLS & ITEMS: Collapsible Fletching Kit, Planing Tool, Geerlok Laminating Device, (2) Laminator Roller...
NOTES: This skill is cheap to about a 202 skill, a level you can attain in just one day. After that, it gets difficult and can be expensive. After 268, if you aren't a Wood Elf or a Tunare follower, it can become pretty expensive and difficult.
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 68 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 1 Bone Point Arrow (Range 50) |
Field Point Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts Several Round Cut Fletchings |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
69 to 80 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 3 Wood Point Arrow (Range 5) |
Field Point Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts Several Shield Cut Fletchings |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
81 to 102 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 1 Wood Hooked Arrow (Range 50) |
Hooked Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts Several Round Cut Fletchings |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
103 to 122 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 4 Wood Point Arrow (Range 50) |
Field Point Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts Set of Wooden Arrow Vanes |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
123 to 135 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 1 Ceramic Point Arrow (Range 50) |
Field Point Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Ceramic Arrow Shafts Several Round Cut Fletchings |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
136 to 162 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 5 Wood Point Arrow (Range 75) |
Silver Tipped Arrowheads Small Groove Nocks Bundled Wood Arrow Shafts Set of Bone Arrow Vanes |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
163 to 202 |
Abysmal Sea |
Class 6 Wood Point Arrow (Range 50) |
Field Point Arrowheads Large Groove Nocks Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes |
Imildu Woodstreak |
N/A |
Fletching Kit |
Buy the needed items, and sell back the results. |
203 to 227 |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores & Abysmal Sea |
Class 3 Serrated Tip Arrow (Range 25) |
Serrated Arrowhead Medium Groove Nocks Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts Several Shield Cut Fletchings |
Imildu Woodstreak |
File |
Fletching Kit |
Now it gets a bit more difficult, but you only need to farm one item. You need to farm (or buy) Chunk of Taelosian Rock. This can be refined into Taelosian Stone, which can then be made into Serrated Arrowheads. These are probably most easily farmed in Natimbi, but they drop in most all of the GoD zones. |
228 to 268 |
Acrylia Caverns & Shadeweavers thicket & Plane of Knowledge |
Shadow Tipped Acrylia Arrow |
Several Shield Cut Fletchings Condensed Shadow Arrowheads Bundled Acrylia Arrow Shafts Small Groove Nocks |
Jaren Cloudchaser |
File |
Forge & Fletching Kit |
Now you must farm (or buy) at least two ingredients. You will need to farm Small Brick of Acrylia Ore. They are most easily farmed in Acrylia Caverns off most any Grimling there. You will also need to farm Chunk of Condensed Shadow to make the arrowheads with. These are probably best farmed in Shadeweavers Thicket, off of the "Shak Dratha" MOB's. Shak Dratha's spawn in the caves -- at night (time is hard to tell in Luclin zones). |
269 to 282 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Carved Shadewood Compound Bow (hemp) |
Hemp Twine Shadewood Bow Staff (2) Standard Bow Cam |
Ellis Cloudchaser |
Whittling Blade |
Fletching Kit |
Unless you are a Wood Elf or a Tunare worshipper, it now gets really difficult and expensive. Expect to spend around 30K to get to 282. Luckily, however, everything you need is sold right in PoK. |
283 to 298 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Desiccated Treant Recurve Bow |
Shimmering Steel Bow String Desiccated Bow Staff |
Higwyn Matrick |
Planing Tool |
Fletching Kit |
Now it gets truly difficult and/or expensive. For every combine, you will need two Spiderling Silks and a Fallen Dry Treant Branch or a Dry Treant Branch. The Treant Branches (used to make the staff) can be foraged -- and also a ground spawn -- in Elddar Forest and the Ruins of Takish Hiz. They can also be most easily farmed in Goru'kar Mesa (treants). Otherwise you will have to buy these from other players. The Spiderling Silk (used two at a time to make Silk Thread) is may be best farmed in Nektulos Forest. The only other item you need is sold in the Plane of Knowledge as noted (Shimmering Steel Thread). |
299 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Oak Treant Compound Bow (Trivial 311) |
Shimmering Steel Bow String Oak Treant Bow Staff (2) Battle Bow Cam |
Higwyn Matrick |
Planing Tool |
Fletching Kit |
For every combine, you will need two Spiderling Silks and a Fallen Straight Oak Treant Branch (or a Straight Oak Treant Branch, but it's harder to get). The Treant Branches (used to make the staff) can be foraged (-- and also a ground spawn -- in Elddar Forest and the Ruins of Takish Hiz. They also be most easily farmed in Goru'kar Mesa (treants). Otherwise you will have to buy these off other players. The Spiderling Silk (used two at a time to make Silk Thread) is may be best farmed in Nektulos Forest. The only other item you need is sold in the Plane of Knowledge as noted (Shimmering Steel Thread). You will also need two Battle Bow Cams per combine. These are made by tinkerers, using Grease, Battle Bolts and Battle Cams. The Battle Bolts & Cams are made via Smithing using File, Cam parts Mold and either a Sundered Blade, a Sundered Blades Shards or a Broken Battle Blade (these can be found by foraging or as a drop in the Field of Scale or The Devastation). |
AKA: Jewelry
DEVICES: Jeweler's Kit; Reinforced Jeweler's Kit
TOOLS AND RELATED ITEMS: Collapsible Jewelry Kit, Gem Cutter, Geerlok Gem Setter, Etching Tools, Reinforced Jewelry Kit, Jeweler's Glass, Marquis Cut Tool (or any other name it can be changed into)...
NOTES: This skill is expensive, but not as expensive as you may believe. Attaining a skill of 274 can be done with all store bought, non-enchanted and non-imbued items. After that, however, it does gets more complicated.
The "basic" method to follow is not fully listed below, as it would take up way too much space. However, the basic system is to start with Silver Bars then Electrum Bars, then Gold Bars and then Platinum Bars (all store bought). With each bar, start with the cheapest gem and them move up to the next cheapest gem as it becomes trivial (usually the Trivial order is something like Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Hematite, Cat's Eye Agate, Bloodstone, Onyx, Jasper, Carnelian, Star Rose Quartz, Amber, Wolf's Eye Agate, Jade, Pearl, Topaz, Peridot, Emerald, Opal, Amethyst, Fire Opal, Star Ruby, Fire Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Jacinth, Diamond...). Simply go up on the gem until you max out on merchant sold gems, or until you feel it is too expensive. At that point, move up on the metal and start again (be wary, though, as many of the lower gems will all ready be trivial with the new metal).
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 74 |
Abysmal Sea |
Electrum Malachite Bracelet (No Stats) |
Electrum Bar Malachite |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
75 to 90 |
Abysmal Sea |
Electrum Onyx Pendant (No Stats) |
Electrum Bar Onyx |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
91 to 100 |
Abysmal Sea |
Electrum Amber Earring (No Stats) |
Electrum Bar Amber |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
101 to 114 |
Abysmal Sea |
Electrum Peridot Bracelet (No Stats) |
Electrum Bar Peridot |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
115 to 146 |
Abysmal Sea |
Gold Malachite Bracelet (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Malachite |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. Now it steps up on expense, as you are now into using Gold Bars (skipping over the Silver Bars). |
147 to 164 |
Abysmal Sea |
Jasper Gold Earring (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Jasper |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
165 to 178 |
Abysmal Sea |
Golden Jaded Bracelet (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Jade |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
179 to 191 |
Abysmal Sea |
Golden Opal Amulet (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Opal |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
192 to 196 |
Abysmal Sea |
Golden Fire Wedding Ring (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Fire Opal |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
197 to 199 |
Abysmal Sea |
Golden Star Ruby Ring (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Star Ruby |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
200 to 202 |
Abysmal Sea |
Fire Emerald Golden Bracelet (No Stats) |
Gold Bar Fire Emerald |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
203 to 220 |
Abysmal Sea |
Platinum Lapis Lazuli Necklace (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Lapis Lazuli |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. The cost really steps up now, as you are now to the level of using Platinum Bars. |
221 to 228 |
Abysmal Sea |
Cat Eye Platinum Necklace (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Cat's Eye Agate |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
229 to 239 |
Abysmal Sea |
Platinum Carnelian Wedding Ring (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Carnelian |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
240 to 244 |
Abysmal Sea |
Platinum Amber Ring (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Amber |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
245 to 250 |
Abysmal Sea |
Jaded Platinum Ring (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Jade |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
251 to 252 |
Abysmal Sea |
Platinum Pearl Ring (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Pearl |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
253 to 274 |
Abysmal Sea |
Fire Emerald Platinum Ring (No Stats) |
Platinum Bar Fire Emerald |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Jeweler's Kit |
Buy the ingredients and sell back the results. |
275 to 300 |
Any |
Square Cut Black Sapphire |
Uncut Black Sapphire Jewelers Glass Square Cut Tool |
Glirina Morningbloom |
N/A |
Reinforced Jeweler's Kit |
The Square Cut Tool is sold by most any Jewelry vendor. If you don't see it, just buy any shape of cutting tool they offer, and simply combine it in a Jewelry kit over and over until it becomes a Square Cutting Tool. You will have to make or buy (from another player) a Jeweler's Glass. If you make it, just know that it may take many combines on one step until you succeed (just keep redoing the combine). The Uncut Black Sapphire is a random drop in many zones. They are usually not that expensive in Bazaar and can often be found cheap on Vendors (where players sold them to the Vendor). HOWEVER -- the above is the cheaper option. If you can not find enough Uncut Black Sapphires, there is a more expensive item you can make... a Velium Blue Diamond Bracelet. You can buy Velium Bars in Thurgadin and Blue Diamonds are a common drop in many zones, but are most easily found and bought from Vendors (players sell them to Vendors in large numbers, usually). |
AKA: Make Poison, Poison Crafting, Poisoncrafting, Toxicology.
DEVICES: Poisoncrafting Table, Mortar & Pestle, Marble Mortar & Pestle (and other similar).
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Uiyaniv Tu'Vrozix |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 131 |
Plane of Knowledge | ANGER OF THE SHISSAR V |
Ethereal Suspension Fluid & Innoruuk Emulsifier & Simple Sealed Poison Vial & Grade B Taipan Venom |
Flerin Na'Shalith & Giftn Na'Shalith |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
Buy the needed items and sell back the results (or use them). |
132 to 182 |
Crescent Reach |
Concentrated Grade B Mamba Venom & Emulsifier & Suspension Fluid & Unadorned Sealed Poison Vial |
Poisoner Baraka & Poisoner Sinuhe |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
Buy the needed items and sell back the results (or use them). |
132 to 182 |
Plane of Knowledge & Shard's Landing |
Emulsifier & Suspension Fluid & Distilled Grade AA Mamba Venom & Sculptured Sealed Poison Vial |
Flerin Na'Shalith & Craftkeeper Irus Tindlefoot |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
The first two (2) ingredients are sold in the Plane of Knowledge by Flerin Na'Shalith, while the second two (2) ingredients are sold in Shard's Landing by Craftkeeper Irus Tindlefoot. |
183 to 260 |
Plane of Knowledge | ANGER OF THE SHISSAR XIX |
Ethereal Suspension Fluid & Innoruuk Emulsifier & Chronal Infused Sealed Poison Vial & Purified Grade AA Taipan Venom |
Flerin Na'Shalith & Giftn Na'Shalith |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
Buy the needed items and sell back the results (or use them). |
260 to 275 |
Plane of Knowledge | SPIRIT OF SLOTH |
Creeper Ivy (2) & Ethereal Suspension & Sealed Poison Vial |
Toxicologist Huey | N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
Buy the needed items and sell back the results (or use them). |
276 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge & Western Wastes (CoV) |
Balm Leaves & Mandrake Root & Bottle & Water Flask & Medicinal Herbs |
Alchemist Redsea & Brewmaster Berina & Olwen |
N/A |
Mortar & Pestle (any) or Poisoncrafting Table |
The Medicinal Herbs are only sold by Olwen in Western Wastes (CoV). |
DEVICES: Pottery Wheel, Kiln
NOTES: This skill is pretty cheap and easy to a level of 199. After that it gets progressively more expensive and difficult. Many unfired items will not sell back to vendors, which adds to the cost. Buying an additional item(s) and to "fire" the items into a final product is normally not worth the effort or added expense.
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Malkidiv U`Ycionuz |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel or Kiln |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 102 |
Abysmal Sea |
Unfired Small Bowl |
Bowl Sketch Small Block of Clay Water Flask |
Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel |
All store bought and cheap. |
103 to 122 |
Abysmal Sea |
Unfired Medium Bowl |
Medium Bowl Sketch Block of Clay Water Flask |
Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel |
All store bought and cheap. |
123 to 148 |
Abysmal Sea |
Unfired Large Bowl |
Glass Shard Large Bowl Sketch Large Block of Clay Water Flask |
Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel |
All store bought and cheap. |
149 to 188 |
Abysmal Sea |
Unfired Sealed Poison Vial |
Crows Special Brew Sealed Vial Sketch Small Block of Clay Water Flask |
Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel |
All store bought and cheap. Note: A host of assorted furs/pelts can be used in place of the Crows Special Brew, but furs can't be store bought (you have to farm them or buy them in Bazaar). |
189 to 199 |
Abysmal Sea |
Unfired Casserole Dish |
Casserole Dish Sketch Ceramic Lining Large Block of Clay Water Flask |
Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
N/A |
Pottery Wheel & Kiln |
All store bought and cheap. You have to make the Ceramic Lining. |
200 to 216 |
Plane of Knowledge & Crypt of Decay |
Unfired Planar Stein |
Block of Tanaan Clay Ceramic Lining Sketch Water Flask Tainted Planar Essence |
Tallis Paerk & Malkidiv U'Ycionuz & Dray Cuves |
Sculpting Tools |
Pottery Wheel |
Now it gets a little more difficult, as you need a farmed item. You can buy the Tainted Planar Essence from other players... or sometimes find them on Vendors in the Plane of Tranquility. They can also be farmed Planes of Power zones. The Sculpting Tools are store bought (cheap). |
217 to 222 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Unfired Opal Encrusted Stein |
Celestial Essence Lacquered Opal Ceramic Lining Sketch Large Block of Magic Clay Water Flask |
Darius Gandril & Loran Thu`Leth & Kanio Paerk & Kirem Deepfacet & Elisha Dirtyshoes |
Sculpting Tools |
Mixing Bowl Jewelry Kit & Pottery Wheel |
Now it starts getting more expensive and difficult, as multiple sub-combines come into play, along with the use of gems. You need to make the Celestial Essence. You also need to make the Lacquered Opal. This is the expensive component. Lastly, you will require the help of other players (Enchanters) to enchant Large Blocks of Clay for you (or buy them in Bazaar). Everything is store bought, otherwise. If you need a Charisma buff item, you might want to fire a couple of these with a High Quality Firing Sheet and keep them. |
223 to 248 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Unfired Idol (Cazic Thule) |
Idol Sketch Large Block of Magic Clay Imbued Amber Vial of Clear Mana |
Elisha Dirtyshoes & Kirem Deepfacet & Ciren Darkbog |
Sculpting Tools |
Pottery Wheel |
From here on out you will become very reliant on others to imbue, enchant or cast up items for you. You can sometimes buy these items in Bazaar. Amber is the cheapest of the gems to choose from. However, Peridots and Jades (making variant Idols) can get you to this same level with the same basic recipe (but for the gem part). The hard part here (with Amber) is finding a Cazic Thule following Shaman or Cleric to imbue them for you. The Jades are imbued by Shamans who follow Rallos Zek, while the Peridots are imbued by Clerics who follow Bristlebane. Again, you need an Enchanter to enchant Large Blocks of Clay for you. Lastly, you also need an Enchanter (using a Poison Vial and an Emerald) to cast up Vials of Clear Mana for you. Everything is store bought, otherwise. |
249 to 255 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Unfired Idol (Erollisi Marr) |
Idol Sketch Large Block of Magic Clay Imbued Rose Quartz Vial of Clear Mana |
Elisha Dirtyshoes & Kirem Deepfacet & Ciren Darkbog |
Sculpting Tools |
Pottery Wheel |
Star Rose Quartz is the cheapest of the gems to choose from. However, Opals (making a variant Idol) can get you to this same level with the same basic recipe (but for the gem). You will need a Cleric who follows Erollisi Marr to imbue the Star Rose Quartz. The Opals have to be imbued by Clerics who follow Rodcet Nife. Again, you need an Enchanter to enchant Large Blocks of Clay and to cast up Vials of Clear Mana for you. Everything is store bought, otherwise. |
256 to 287 |
Plane of Knowledge |
Unfired Glorious Large Axe Head Shaped Mold |
Exotic Silk Large Axe Head Shaped Mold Sketch (4) Large Block of Clay |
Sculptor Radee |
Pottery Wheel |
This phase gets a bit easier, in a way. The Exotic Silk is the only non-Vendor ingredient. Exotic Silk is a common drop in Veil of Alaris zones. Or, you can usually buy it at decent prices from other Players. |
288 to 300 |
Argath, Bastion of Ildaera |
Unfired Wurmslayer Ornament |
(2) Alaris Infused Clay Hematite Wurmslayer Ornament Sketch |
Potter Yogen |
Pottery Wheel |
This combine only requires one (1) non-Vendor item and the help of an Enchanter. The Alaris Infused Clay is made with a Water Flask (many vendors sell this), a Large Block of Magic Clay (Enchanters cast this up using a Large Block of Clay, sold by most Pottery vendors) and an Essence of Alaris (a common drop in Veil of Alaris zones and often sold at a reasonable price by other players). The Hematite is sold by most any Jewelry Vendor and the Wurmslayer Ornament Set which is sold in Argath, Bastion of Illdaera. |
AKA: Spell Research
DEVICES: Spell Research Kit, Research Table
NOTES: This skill is not too expensive in the lower levels, but at higher levels the ingredients become increasingly difficult to find in quantity and/or it can get expensive. All classes can accomplish most every Research recipe, these days.
0 to 54 |
Crescent Reach |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Researcher Akila |
N/A |
Spell Research Kit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
West Freeport |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when trade skilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 102 |
Crescent Reach |
Aqua Fortis |
Oil of Vitrol & Saltpeter |
Researcher Layla |
N/A |
Spell Research Kit |
Saltpeter is a dropped item, most easily farmed in the Plane of Innovation. However, you can often find it on merchants (sold to them by players) and/or in Bazaar (for cheap). The Oil of Vitrol is sold by the noted Vendor. |
103 to 144 |
Crescent Reach |
Parchment Solution |
Aqua Regia & Fire Emerald & Gnomish Heat Source & Vial of Pure Water |
Researcher Layla & Jeweler Nailah |
N/A |
Spell Research Kit |
And now the expensive begins! This recipe uses all Vendor sold items. The Vial of Pure Water is made from (5) Empty Vials, a Gnomish Heat Source and (4) Water Flasks. All items are all sold by the noted Vendors |
145 to xxx |
Plane of Knowledge & As Needed |
xxx |
xxxx |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
Spell Research Kit |
AKA: Sewing
DEVICES: Sewing Kits, Looms, Coldain Tanners Kit, Cultural Sewing Kits & Looms
TOOLS AND RELATED ITEMS: Muramite Needle, Cultural Needles, Platinum Thimble, Simple Sewing Needle...
NOTES: This skill was once the most difficult and expensive one to master. This is because it required farmed items, foraged items, sub-combine items and hard to obtain items at lower levels than other skills.
0 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Tonlyei Lyhin |
N / A |
Loom or Sewing Kit |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
55 to 300 |
Plane of Knowledge & As Needed |
(Optional) Silk Wristband Template |
Silk Curing Chemicals Silk Wristband Template Pattern (2) (Optional) Silk (Optional) Filament |
Filament |
Simple Sewing Needle |
Loom |
Now it gets more expensive and/or time consuming, but at least options are available. First off, go to the tradeskill book vendors by up by the library in the Plane of Knowledge. Buy and scribe all of the books/scrolls related to tailoring, to avoid any possible concerns later, from not being able to do combines due to having never done this. From 55 all the way to 300, you can make various types of Silk Wristband Templates. The type you make is determined by the type of silk you use, and the related type of filament you also need. The only thing that is not vendor sold, are the Silks. The silks can be acquired from other players, purchased in Bazaar, from vendor diving and/or farmed up. Because of the difficulty in obtaining some silks in quantity, having options is the best idea! Using the below chart, seek out silks that are above your current trivial and then do the related combine. The recipe is always the same, for any type silk, with the exception of the filament type required. The chart below lists the silk, the trivial and the filament type needed. The lower the silk on the chart, the cheaper the vendor components will be. 20 Coarse Silk / Crude Filament 40 Rough Silk / Plain Filament 66 Tacky Silk / Twisted Filament 90 Sullied Silk / Thread Filament 124 Thick Silk / Cord Filament 158 Crude Silk / Fiber Filament 196 Natural Silk / String Filament 234 Pristine Silk / Wire Filament 272 Fine Silk / Soft Filament 310 Excellent Silk / Fine Filament 348 Superb Silk / Silk Filament 386 Flawless Silk / Strand Filament 424 Exquisite Silk / Mythical Filament 488 Immaculate Silk / Faysilk Filament 488 Fantastic Silk / Reinforced Filament 488 Exotic Silk / Plated Filament 488 Befouled Silk / Calcified Filament |
AKA: None.
DEVICES: Toolbox(es).
TOOLS AND RELATED ITEMS: Tinkering Tradeskill Trophies...
NOTES: This skill is only available to Gnomish Paladins -- as it is a Gnome only skill. My experience with this skill is from my "Tinker-bot" (a gnome cleric).
0 to 50 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
As a Gnome, you start with a Tinkering Skill of 50. However, you will not be able to advance the skill until after you attain Level 16. So -- XP to Level 16! However, there is |
51 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea | Tradeskill Freebie Quest | The NPC will tell you. | Skelontorim Orrthemech | N/A | Toolbox |
This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! |
West Freeport |
Skill Modifier |
Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs & Judge Marion Teld`mare |
It is best to acquire your tradeskill trophy early on for two reasons. At this level, the combines are easier and ingredients are easier to acquire. Secondly, the trophy will progress as you skill up, providing and increased skill modifier as you progress. The combines required are detailed in the task window. Simply go acquire the ingredients, make the necessary number of items, come back and do the turn ins with Judge Marion Teld`mare and then hail Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs. Then, when tradeskilling, make sure to equip the trophy. |
51 to 54 |
Abysmal Sea |
Tradeskill Freebie Quest |
The NPC will tell you |
Skelontorim Orrthemech |
N/A |
Toolbox |
Do not do this until you attain level 16, first, or you will not get any skill-ups. This mini-quest is 100% free! The NPC will give you the combine items! Most of these will be trivial to you until the last series of combines! |
55 to 95 |
Abysmal Sea |
Spyglass |
Collapsible Fishing Pole Metal Rod Metal Twine Reflective Shard |
Skelontorim Orrthemech |
N/A |
Toolbox |
All store bought parts that are relatively cheap. Even the Collapsible Fishing Pole is cheap to make with store bought items at the same place. The only set-back is that the Fishing Pole and the Spyglass do not stack, meaning bag space will hinder your progress (make poles, make spyglasses, sell spy glasses, repeat). The cool thing about tinkering is you carry the combine device with you, meaning you can sit with the merchant window and tool box open (so you can buy/sell as you tinker). |
96 to 122 |
Abysmal Sea |
Powered Gloves |
Firewater Gears Metal Twine Sprockets Steel Lined Gloves |
Skelontorim Orrthemech |
N/A |
Toolbox |
All store bought pats and relatively cheap. The only sub-combine is the Firewater, which is also made from store bought items. |
123 to 148 |
Abysmal Sea |
Aqualung |
Fresh Fish Metal Rod Metal Twine Gnomish Bolts Fine Coral Mesh Silk Lined Steel Helm |
Dray Cuves & Skelontorim Orrthemech |
N/A |
Toolbox |
The good news is that all the items are still store bought and there are no sub-combines. The bad news is that they are far more expensive. |
149 to XXX |
N/A |
Toolbox |
XXX to XXX |
N/A |
Toolbox |
XXX to XXX |
N/A |
Toolbox |
XXX to 300 |
N/A |
Toolbox |
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated November 28, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.