It's not a place of desires, these Kunarkian Empires. -- Bonzz

This Achievement section is for the achievements related to the Empires of Kunark expansion.

Empires of Kunark was the 23rd expansion, released in November 2016. It added the Familiar Key Ring to the game and allowed players to have both a Pet and a Familiar up at the same time (which allowed all classes to pull up the Pet Window).

The expansion was sold in three (3) versions that included bonus items that were only available with each expansion.

PRE-ORDER: Pre-Ordering any version of the expansion awarded a Ganak Monument (placeable) and immediate access to Beta Testing.

STANDARD: This version included no bonus items and sold for $34.99.

COLLECTOR'S: This version sold for $89.99 and included (999) Ancient Iksar Translocator Stone (personal Portal to Frontier Mountains); (999) Contract of the Pawbuster (grants access to Drolvarg Mercenaries); ten (10) additional slots for the Familiar Key Ring; (999) Painting: Empires of Kunark; one (1) Duffel of the Di'Zok (40-Slot, 100% Bag); Guise of the Combine (Combine Tactician Illusion); (1) Drogan Goblin Familiar; & (1) Armored Frontier Rhinoceros Mount.

PREMIUM: This version sold for $139.99 and additionally included (999) Ancient Iksar Translocator Statue (placeable Portal to Frontier Mountains); (30) more Familiar Key Ring slots; another Duffel of the Di'Zok (40-Slot, 100% Bag); (1) Succulent Familiar; & Bridle of Queen Velazul's Sokokar (a Mount).

BETA: Players who participated in Beta, and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' were awarded a 'Cowl of the Dreadlands Yeti' (an Illusion).

Ganak Monument


Ancient Iksar Translocator Statue


Painting: Empires of Kunark

Guise of the Combine (Male Look)       Guise of the Combine (Female Look)

    Video                                                 Video         

Drogan Goblin Familiar


Armored Frontier Rhinoceros Saddle


Cowl of the Dreadlands Yeti (Beta Reward)


Succulent Familiar



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All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).


General 10 410
Exploration 7 70
Progression 12 120
Quests 13 130
Missions 4 40
Raids 36 360
Conquest 22 430
Hunter 10 100
Collections 32 320
TOTALS 146 1,980





Bard's Golden Mask
Blade of Defense
Blade of Protection
Blooddrop Earring
Bloodlaced Blade
Bloodlaced Bow
Bloodlaced Dagger
Burnt Cloak
Burnt Effigy of Tsaph Katta
Collector's Hierloom Necklace
Di'Zok Bow
Dust Cloak
Edge of the Di'Zok
Fisherman's Dangle
Golden Knight's Belt
Golden Minstrel's Belt
Golden Rogue's Belt
Golden Rogue's Crescent
Golden Rogue's Necklace
Golden Sage's Choker
Golden Sage's Earring

Golden Soldier's Belt
Golden Soldier's Neck Guard
Golden Soldier's Stud
Grey Cloak
Guardian of Lost Hopes
Guardian's Pauldron
Iksar Bane
Knight's Golden Ring
Mage's Golden Hoop
Minstrel's Golden Ring
Pale Cloak
Pauldron of the Hero
Petrified Egg
Ring of the Gypsy
Rogue's Golden Mask
Rogue's Golden Ring
Sage's Golden Mask
Sage's Golden Ring
Shark's Tooth Club
Shattered Blade

Skyiron Heater
Skyiron Kite
Soldier's Golden Mask
Soldier's Golden Ring
Staff of the Shai'din
Swift Pauldron
Symbol of the Dragon's Scale
Taka, Slayer of Dragons
Tower of Sebilis
Weaver's Pauldron

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NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.

Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.






Master of The Empires of Kunark 100 Complete the (3) listed achievements. N/A
Tsaph's Champion 50 Complete the (2) listed achievements.

+1 Hero's Resolution Alternate Advancement

Golden Frontier Rhinoceros Saddle


Champion of The Empires of Kunark 30 Complete the (13) listed achievements. N/A
Paragon of The Empires of Kunark 40 Complete the (4) listed achievements. Forgotten Gemstone (+45 overcap augmentation)
Challenger of The Empires of Kunark 60 Complete the (15) listed achievements.

Obulus Burial Shroud (Illusion)


The Empires of Kunark Slayer 60 Complete the (3) listed achievements.

Legendary Strongbox (40-slot, 100% Weight Reduction container)

Suffix: ", of Kunark"

Conqueror of The Empires of Kunark 40 Complete the (4) listed achievements. N/A
Vanquisher of The Empires of Kunark 10 Complete the (8) listed achievements. Memories of the Second Tribe (used to upgrade the Forgotten Gemstone, noted above, into a Nathsar Diamond, a +80 overcap augmentation)
Empires of Kunark Master Scavenger 10 Complete the (2) listed achievements.

Delicacies Purse (38-salot 100% Weight Reduction bag)

+1 to Alternative Advancement "Trophy Collector" (+1 to how many Trophies you can activate at the same time).

Explorer of The Empires of Kunark 10 Complete the (7) listed achievements. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).







Lceanium Traveler


Go to the noted zone.
The Scorched Woods Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Frontier Mountains Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
The Temple of Droga Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Chardok Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Gates of Kor-Sha Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Kor-Sha Laboratory Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.





Adventurer of The Empires of Kunark (Group) 10 Complete the noted Achievement. N/A
Veteran of The Empires of Kunark (Group) 10 Complete the (2) noted Achievements. N/A
Hero of The Empires of Kunark (Group) 10 Complete the (2) noted Achievements. N/A
Vindicator of The Empires of Kunark (Group) 10 Complete the (6) noted Achievements & Quests. N/A
Legend of The Empires of Kunark (Group) 10 Complete the (2) noted Achievements. N/A
Familiar Empires 10 Complete the (4) noted Achievements. N/A
The Lost Emperor 10 Complete the (5) noted Achievements. N/A
Essence of the Dragon I (Group) 10 Complete the noted Quest. Alternate Advancement: Essence of the Dragon 1/2 (immunity to Gust of Atrebe & Aura of the Kar'Zok).
Essence of the Dragon II (Raid) 10 Complete the noted Raid and step.

+1 to Alternate Advancement: Essence of the Dragon 2/2 (additional immunity to Aura of Kar-Sha).

During the Kar'Zok event, several "a flame assaulter" and "a frost assaulter" attack. There will also be "Freezing Pulse" & "Emanating Flame" area of effect (aura) attacks centered on certain Players. Fighting assaulters in the opposite aura will "break their shields," making it possible to kill them. It can also cause them to drop a "Sarnak Shield Fragment" on the ground (it looks like a small wooden door stuck in the ground). Pick one up, equip it, then run up the ramp into the room behind "a Kar'Zok reaper" (the shield will allow you through the barrier). In the room, open "a mysterious box" and you will get a DoT on you called "Unstable Potion." Go back out and stand directly in front of a Kar'Zok reaper, until he "breathes" on you (Breath of Atrebe). Now go win the event to get this Achievement!

Di'Zok Royal Seal (Raid) 10 Collect and click (12) Di'Zok Royal Seal Fragments (drops in the Lceanium & Droga raids). Flags you to request / attend the Chardok raid.
Seal of the Kar'Zok (Raid) 10 Collect and click (18) Seal of the Kar'Zok Fragments (drops in the Chardok raid). Flags you to request / attend the Kor-Sha raid.
Seal of Charasis (Raid) 10 Collect and click (18) Seal of Charasis Fragments (drops in the Kor-Sha, Gorowyn, Skyfire & Overthere raids). As odd as it may sound, but part of the Flagging you need for 2nd Tier Ring of Scale Raids (the next expansion).





Mercenary of Lceanium 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Partisan of Lceanium 10 Complete the (3) required quests and any (1) of the (7) optional quests (but why not just do them all?)
Mercenary of The Scorched Woods 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Partisan of The Scorched Woods 10 Complete the (4) listed quests.
Mercenary of Frontier Mountains 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Partisan of Frontier Mountains 10 Complete the (4) listed quests.
Mercenary of The Temple of Droga 10 Complete the (4) listed quests.
Partisan of The Temple of Droga 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Mercenary of Chardok 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Partisan of Chardok 10 Complete the (6) listed quests.
Mercenary of Gates of Kor-Sha 10 Complete the (3) listed quests.
Mercenary of Kor-Sha Laboratory 10 Complete the (5) listed quests.
Partisan of Kor-Sha Laboratory 10 Complete the (3) listed quests.





Hero of Lceanium 10 Complete the listed mission. +1 Hero's Resolution Alternate Advancement
Hero of The Temple of Droga 10 Complete the listed mission. +1 Hero's Resolution Alternate Advancement
Hero of Chardok 10 Complete the listed mission. +1 Hero's Resolution Alternate Advancement
Hero of Kor-Sha Laboratory 10 Complete the listed mission. +1 Hero's Resolution Alternate Advancement





Conqueror of Lceanium 10 Defeat the listed Raid.
Vanquisher of Doorstep of War 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Protector of the House Katta (Raid) 10 Win the "Doorstep of War" raid with Denik & Lcea still alive (grab and hold aggro before they do)..
Guardian (Raid) 10 Win the "Doorstep of War" raid with no more than two "barrier" Guard (NPC) deaths (grab and hold aggro before they do).
You Be The Hero (Raid) 10 Win the "Doorstep of War" raid with the raid force defeating 100% of the attacking Sarnak (don't allow barrier Guard NPC's to get the kills).
Conqueror of The Temple of Droga 10 Defeat the listed Raid.
Vanquisher of The Summoning of Droga 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
No Priests For You 10 Defeat "The Summoning of Droga" without any priests being devoured by Droga (kill them ASAP).
Death of the Lofty 10 Kill the High Priest before Droga spawns (DPS).
Life for the Lofty 10 Don't kill the High Priest before Droga spawns (wait, then DPS).
Conqueror of Chardok 10 Defeat all three events (Prince, Queen, Atrebe's Vault) in the Chardok raid.
Vanquisher of Prince Selrach Di'Zok 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Never Give Up 10 Defeat Prince Selrach Di'Zok on the first try.
Maximum Anger 10 Defeat Prince Selrach Di'Zok after he becomes fully enraged (don't kill him until this happens).
Light in the Proper Darkness 10 Defeat Prince Selrach while lighting only the correct braziers (based on emotes... do not light any others or the wrong ones).
Vanquisher of Queen Velazul Di'Zok 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Charming 10 Defeat Queen Velazul Di'Zok while charming every puppet that spawns.
Doomless 10 Defeat Queen Velazul Di'Zok and never trigger "Doomlight."
Take One 10 Defeat Queen Velazul Di'Zok on first try (no reset).
Vanquisher of Atrebe's Vault 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
No More Cores 10 Defeat Atrebe's Vault and don't allow any dervishes to respawn (DPS).
Jump Through All The Rings (Raid) 10 Defeat Atrebe's Vault while activating all of the rings  correctly (based on emotes, never get activate the rings wrong and keep the totem from growing).
Totem Goes Wild (Raid) 10 Defeat Atrebe's Vault while ignoring the totem (ignore activating the rings, let the totem grow).
Conqueror of Kor-Sha Laboratory 10 Defeat the (3) listed Raid targets.
Vanquisher of The Kar'Zok 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Destroy All Shields 10

Defeat The Kar'Zok raid event, after destroying all (6) of their shields (drag and hold "a flame assaulter" into the "Freezing Pulse aura, and "a frost assaulter" into the "Emanating Flame" aura).

Freezing Rage 10 Take "a Kar'Zok Snowblaze" 10% lower health than "a Kar'Zok Reaper" so it goes into a "cold rage" -- and hold it there for 5 Minutes (hold DPS).
Burning Rage 10 Take "a Kar'Zok Reaper" 10% lower health than "a Kar'Zok Snowblaze" so it goes into a "fiery rage" -- and hold it there for 5 Minutes (hold DPS).
Vanquisher of An Ancient Dragon 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Draconic Rage 10 Allow the Ancient Dragon to become fully enraged before killing it (hold back DPS).
Total Control 10 Successfully use the proper "crowd control" on every "a confused drakeling" (charm), "a grounded drakeling" (root or snare) and "an unfocused drakeling" (mez).
Incorruptible 10 No player can be touched by by the roaming "a pool of corrupted blood" (everyone must move and avoid it).
Vanquisher of Atrebe Sathir 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
No Return (Raid) 10 Defeat Atrebe Sathir after not allowing any corpse to be reanimated (kill every "a hauler" after it starts dragging a corpse and before it reaches the portal).
Everything Reborn (Raid) 10 Defeat Atrebe after allowing all corpses to be reanimated (ignore "a hauler" and let them drag all seven Iksar corpses into the portal).
Fire Control (Raid) 10 Defeat Atrebe before the gathering flames expand (After Garssilor, Cinderscale activates after "a hauler" is killed, a "sphere of flame" aura will appear in the crater every 65-seconds, at which point Players have about 3-Tics to get in the sphere of flame aura, in the crater, to prevent the flames from "gathering").





Savior of Lceanium 40 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Protector of House Katta (Group) 10 Win the "Before the Siege" mission with both Praetor Denik or Lcea Katta surviving (keep MOB's off of them). N / A
Guardian (Group) 10 Win the "Before the Siege" mission with no more than (2) of the barrier Guards dying (keep MOB's off of them). N / A
You Be The Hero (Group) 10 Win the "Before the Siege" mission with you group being responsible for killing all of the attacking Sarnak (DPS). N / A
Savior of The Scorched Woods 40 Complete the (2) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Savior of Frontier Mountains 40 Complete the (2) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

An Ancient Awakens 10 Be in the Frontier Mountains when any (1) of the (6) "Ancient" MOB's spawn (no matter who initiated the spawn, credit is given to anyone who happens to be in the zone) N / A
They Grow Restless 10 Be in the Frontier Mountains when all (6) "Ancient" MOB's spawn (no matter who initiates the spawns, credit goes is given to anyone who happens to be in the zone) N / A
The Foretold Hour 10 Be in the Frontier Mountains and Spawn all (6) "Ancient" MOB's within 60-minutes (this will take a cooperative effort on the part of 6 groups and / or a raid force). Small Manisi Branch (a decent range Item with a click Heal Over Time, that can be upgraded into an Invested Manisi Branch, with an Element of Kunark, a rare EoK Raid drop).
Savior of The Temple of Droga 40 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Keep It Short 10 In the Summoning of Droga mission, get to and kill the High Priests within 6 minutes time (DPS). N / A
Safety 10 Defeat Summoning of Droga mission, with no deaths in your group. N / A
No Bones About It 10 Defeat Summoning of Droga mission, while not allowing any Bone Golem to explode (kill them ASAP). N / A
Savior of Chardok 40 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Jump Through All The Rings (Group) 10 In the Atrebe's Vault mission, win while removing all of the rings, when they appear, so the Totem never grows bigger. N / A
Totem Go Wild (Group) 10 In the Atrebe's Vault mission, win without ever removing the rings and let the Totem "go wild." N / A
No Ghosts. No Bones 10

In the Atrebe's Vault mission, win while never allowing any spirits or skeletons to be spawned (DPS).

N / A
Savior of Gates of Kor-Sha 40 Complete the listed Achievement.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Savior of Kor-Sha Laboratory 40 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

No Return (Group) 10 In the Atrebe mission, win while never allowing any corpse to be reanimated (DPS "a hauler" after they start dragging corpse, and kill them before they get to the portal). N / A
Everything Reborn 10 In the Atrebe mission, win while allowing all corpses to be reanimated (leave "a hauler" MOB's alone). N / A
Fire Control 10 In the Atrebe mission, win while never allowing any corpse to be reanimated (every one get in the fire / aura ASAP when it appears). N / A





Novice Hunter of The Empires of Kunark 10 Complete the (2) listed Achievements.

Lceanium Shipping Crate (32-slot, 100% Bag)

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Hunter of Lceanium 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Scorched Woods 10 Defeat the (10) listed targets. N / A
Adept Hunter of The Empires of Kunark 10 Complete the (2) listed Achievements.

Konikor Carafe (34-slot, 100% Bag)

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Hunter of Frontier Mountains 10 Defeat the (13) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of The Temple of Droga 10 Defeat the (19) listed targets, (1) of which is in an instanced mission. N / A
Veteran Hunter of The Empires of Kunark 10 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.

Di'Zok Courier's Pouch (36-slot, 100% Bag)

+1 Hero's Vitality Alternate Advancement

+1 Hero's Fortitude Alternate Advancement

Hunter of Chardok 10 Defeat the (19) listed targets, (2) of which are in instanced missions. N / A
Hunter of Kor-Sha 10 Defeat the (5) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Kor-Sha Laboratory 10 Defeat the (16) listed targets, (2) of which are in instanced missions. N / A





The Combine's Return 10 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.
The Divided Empires 10 Complete the (3) listed Achievements.
Reunification 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Misplaced Tools (Lceanium) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns, in and around the out edge of the city area).
Historic Finds (Lceanium) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns, the outside the main part of the city area).
Dreadleaves (Lceanium) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns, in and around the trees).
Portal Dust (Lceanium) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from giants & skeletons).
Where the Obulus Once Stood 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Burned Wood (The Scorched Woods) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns around the burnt stumps area).
When the Stars Fell (The Scorched Woods) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from elementals and mud golems).
Unearthing the Sky (The Scorched Woods) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from Burynai).
Big Time (The Scorched Woods) 10  Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from giants).
Trailblazing 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Natural Treasure (Frontier Mountains) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in the open areas).
Drinking Solution (Frontier Mountains) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in and around giant forts).
Regal Graverobbing (Frontier Mountains) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns and drops from the Burynai / Burynai area).
Frontier Festivities (Frontier Mountains) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from goblins).
Underground Frontier 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Taken Tokens (The Temple of Droga) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns around the jail / cook area).
Mountain Death Trinkets (The Temple of Droga) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in most of zone).
Memories of Nurga (The Temple of Droga) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from goblins).
Stinkin' Badges (The Temple of Droga) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from MOB's in the Goblins and Fools mission).
Di'Zok Keepsakes 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Jailor's Halls (Chardok) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in the cave areas).
Brutal Accolades (Chardok) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in building areas).
Torturer's Tools (Chardok) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from Di'Zok MOB's).
Alchemist's Reagents (Chardok) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from MOB's in the On Behest of the Emperor mission).
Sathir's Court 10 Complete the (4) listed Achievements.
Lesser Things (Gates of Kor-Sha) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from Sarnak MOB's).
Laboratory Labors (Kor-Sha Laboratory) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in hallways and side rooms).
Atrebe's Study (Kor-Sha Laboratory) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (ground spawns in and around the prison, "rainbow room" areas).
Korshessence (Kor-Sha Laboratory) 10 Acquire and collect the (8) listed items (drop from MOB's in the Mysteries of Kor-Sha & Infiltration of Kor-Sha missions).



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated November 7, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.