Where no research is required... it's all in one place, step by step!
A Paladin on the Bertoxxulous Server.
The truth is out there! The truth hurts! But the truth will set you free! Can you handle the truth? All hail the Freeport Knights of Truth, servants of Mithaniel Marr the Truthbringer! Veritas Res! Vincit omnia veritas! -- Bonzz
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are from in-game captures (EverQuest) by Bonzz, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most played sounds are under two (2) minutes or less, should play just once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! These sounds are directly from EverQuest. EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
>>> Click to jump to the related section. <<<
These are NOT all of the pages you can find on this site! Use the Google Search, above, to search for keywords to find all potentially related pages on this site (and only this site).
EVERQUEST 101 (Beginners) EVERQUEST 102 (Intermediate) EVERQUEST 103 (Advanced)
Inattentiveness, laziness and bad strategy do not equate to a glitch, a bug or the need to 'fix' things. You simply need to be a more attentive student of the game, while developing and adjusting your strategies and approach. This challenge... this pursuit... is what creates the adventure! And adventure is where the fun resides! -- Bonzz
While this page was originally created from a Paladin perspective, for the most part, the contents are universal (all classes)!
This site works on the basis that you are able to find your own way from one zone to another; and that you can read the 'story.' 'lore' and / or 'spam' on your own (I do not normally include the storylines or lore); and that you generally understand the EQ Basics.
Some of my pages have game related sounds and / or music that plays once and then stops (it does not loop). I have had a few Players express that they do not like the sounds and that they are too loud. The volume for sounds on my pages are set intentionally low, but the volume level can also be increased by your browser / volume settings. You can address this situation, as noted below.
If you don't want to hear music / sounds on a web page, you can 'pause' the sound from the top right of some browsers, such as Google Chrome (see image on left, below). This will only apply to the web page that you currently have open in your browser. This option is not permanent and will reset once you navigate away from a web page.
You can also adjust the sound volume for your Browser by right clicking on the Speaker Icon on your task bar, selecting 'Open volume mixer' and then use the volume scroll bar to adjust the volume for your browser (see image on right, below). This is a permanent setting that will apply to all web sites, to include You Tube, etc.; however, you can go back and re-adjust the setting at will.
(Left Image) Click the music note and then click the pause icon to stop sound from playing on a given page; (Right Image) Use your Sound Volume Mixer to adjust browser sound volume.
Basic EverQuest things that everyone should have at least a basic understanding of... or 'How EverQuest works' as related to my character!'
(Paladin) |
(...and their Purpose / Benefit) |
(...and their Purpose / Benefit) |
(...and their Purpose / Benefit) (Luck & How to Fuse Items) |
(...and their Purpose / Benefit) |
(See also: Expansions Listings, below.) |
(Installing EQ, Character Creation, Heroic Characters, Auto Grant, Leveling Up, Gearing Up, etc.) |
(All 27 of them) |
(...and their Purpose / Benefit) |
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(...and their Purpose / Benefit) |
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Intermediate features of EverQuest that everyone should have a working familiarity with, in order to have a better EverQuest experience... or, 'How to be a better EQ Player!'
(with Related Details) (See also: Expansions Listings, below.)
(Cross Server, Serverwide, Cross Game, Private, Voice Apps, Logs, Chat Tabs, etc.!) |
(Sending & Receiving Mail in EQ.) |
(An EQ Compendium... Dictionary, Thesaurus, Secrets, How To, Lore and so much more)
Fellowships & Guilds (How To) (Coming in the Future) |
(Visible Armor Ornaments.) |
(Getting from A to B) |
EverQuest's Store. |
(Experience, AA's, Merc AA's, Power Leveling...) |
(Lists, Sources, Pics & Videos) |
(How To, Agent Listing & Pics) |
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(Prefixes, Suffixes, Listing & Sources) |
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Weapon, Shield & Bow Ornamentations |
More advanced features of EverQuest that can serve Players well in their game play talents... or, 'How to be an elite EQ Player!'
(How To) |
(How To) |
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Bonzz's Story Window Guides (Download and unzip into the 'storyline' folder in your EverQuest directory. Restart EverQuest to see them.) (These files can and will change due to newly added quests, error corrections and similar, so you may want to re-download them at times.)
Guild Halls & Housing (How To) (Coming in the Future) |
(How To, Listing, Sources, Pics & Guild Tribute) |
(Atlas, Zone Guide, Map Folders, etc.) |
(How To, etc.) |
(How To, Uses) |
(How to Log In, Copy Characters, etc.) |
(Guild, Personal, How To, Images...) |
More advanced features of EverQuest that can serve Players well in their game play talents... or, 'How to be an elite EQ Player!'
(How To) |
(How To & Rewards) |
Hot Button & Hot Keys (How To) (Coming in the Future) |
(Updating & Making Maps) |
Guides for Tradeskill Quests, Tradeskill Trophies and mastering Tradeskills, or, 'I can make that!'
(How To) |
(How To) |
(Signet of the Arcane Quest series) |
(Guide) |
(All Versions) |
(Quest series) |
(Guide) |
(How To) |
Guides for EverQuest Holidays, Anniversaries and Special Events, or 'Another holiday, another challenge!'
(By Year)
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(What they are, how to participate, rewards, Guide Program, How to be a Guide...) |
(Guide) |
(aka New Year Events) (Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
(Guide) |
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(Guide) |
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(Technically, not an actual EQ Holiday, but Marcia Attamilgad often adds wares and moves about more.) |
(aka Karana Tempest Festival) (Guide) |
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(Year Long 25th Anniversary Celebration) (Guide) |
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Guides some of the more involved and / or popular Quests & Progressions, or, 'The road to adventure!'
(Guide, All Classes) |
Bone Mask of the Ancient Iksar (Faction & Illusion Items) |
(Guide) |
Depths of Darkhollow Progression (Expansion Progression) |
Dragons of Norrath Progression (Expansion Progression; Norrath Keepers & Dark Reign Faction & AA's) |
Expansion Related Augmentations (These are often tied to Progression and Achievements.)
Gates of Discord Progression |
(Keys & Flags, access to various locked doors / areas within zones... most of these become achievements once completed or used.)
Katta Castrum Portal Activation (In-Zone Progression) |
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(How To, Sequence, Fixing Your Flags) |
(In-Zone Progression) |
(In-Zone Progression) |
Prophecy of Ro Progression |
Seeds of Destruction Progression (Expansion Progression)
(Resist AA's) |
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(Key & Flag access to various zones. Many are achievement related.)
A hoarders delight of compiled categorized listings of items, to include how to get them, what they do, what they look like (image and / or video) and much more, or, 'Lists, lists, I got the lists!'
(Listed by Name of the Click Effect)
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(How To & Rewards) |
(Categorized Play Lists of items and other things.)
(The EQ Zoo!)
(Pricing, new features, bonus items, raid info, lore, Achievements and more!)
(List, history and status) |
(Notes about changes over the years.) |
Evolving and Progressive Items (Listing, Sources & More) |
(Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos)
Hero's Forge Ornament Listings (Visible Armor Ornament Listings, Sources, Pics & Videos)
(Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos)
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(Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos) |
(Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos)
(Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos) |
Bow, Shield & Weapon Ornaments (Listing, Sources, Pics & Videos)
(Agent Listing, How To & Pics) |
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(Listing, Sources & Pics) |
Portal (Teleport) Item Listings (Listing, Sources & Pics) |
Title (Prefix & Suffix) Listings (Prefixes, Suffixes, Listing & Sources) |
Trophy Listings (Guild & Personal) (Listing, How To, Sources, Pics & Guild Tribute) |
Useful & Fun Items (Clicky Buffs, Portals, Summon Items, DoT's, DD's, Swarm Pets and more.)
!! ABOUT !! Be aware that I am not -- and have never have been -- a GM, a Guide, a Dev, a CSR or a EG7 / Darkpaw / Daybreak / Sony / Verant) employee. Bonzz (pronounced 'Bones' not 'Bahnz') was the first character I ever created and is still my main character. The name 'Bonzz' was based on the fact that Paladins like to kill undead (as in skeletons that are made of bones). I originally wanted the name him 'Bones' (with a slight nod to Star Trek and Dr. McCoy). However, the game would not let me take that name, so a few variant spelling attempts later, 'Bonzz' was accepted. I do not make any claim to be the know-all-be-all about all things EverQuest, which is why every one of my pages asks for feedback on errors and so forth. I created this site, long ago. The pages I have created are ones that I felt, at the time, could use a good walk-through, more in-depth explanation, better details and the like... where everything is generally all in one place with little to no web page & web site hopping. Way back when, EQ information on the Internet was sparse, incomplete, erroneous and / or even non-existent. Players tended to be tight lipped about their "secrets." Quests did not have a Task Window to tell you what to do next. There were no Achievements to follow or to use as a check list. What you could find on the Internet meant a lot of back-and-forth between pages and / or various web sites, if you found it at all. Because of this, to be successful in EQ, you had to do a lot of out-of-game time-consuming research, in-game figuring things out and pencil & paper note making. Since I was doing a lot of that anyway, I decided to simply compile it web-page style... and then share it freely with everyone else. Why not? After a while, I actually came to find a level of enjoyment in making these pages and have modified, maintained, updated and / or expanded on them ever since. As a note, these pages are written with some expectation that you, the Player, have a level of basic EQ Savvy, such as getting from one zone to another, how talk to NPC's, do combines and so forth. While I do appreciate the in-game tells, please understand that I do not have a photographic memory of every single step of every single quest. Please don't expect me to actively help you in-game or walk / talk you through something! Instead, ask for help from your Guild... from your Fellowship... from Players in Server & Server Wide Channels... look it up on on the Internet ("Google It")... utilize this site and / or other EQ sites; and so on. |
WORD OF AWARENESS This site is not, and is not intended to be, an all-inclusive EQ Web Site. However, I do have pages, data and information you will not find anywhere else! Please be aware that many of these pages were originally written long ago from the perspective of the original player levels, strategies and so forth. This does not mean they are no longer accurate. It simply means the old references, strategies and game functions may be moot issues with current game levels, gear, spells, DPS, game changes and so forth. In short, it is possible a single player can easily defeat a target that once took an entire raid force to beat... or you may sometimes be able to overpower the old event mechanics by sheer force. Be warned, however, that some event mechanics are set in stone and you can't avoid them! For instance, if mechanics require that Target #1 must be killed before Target #2, then you must abide by that... or the event can fail and / or bug out. On the other hand, some old content may actually be even harder to defeat these days! For instance, if the event requires the balancing multiple MOB's within 1% to 5% of each other... current DPS levels may make this extremely difficult to do. By the same token, some old game mechanics might not apply any more. For instance, I may warn you to have a 'bag slot open,' because... in the past... bags could not be placed in bags (not even empty ones). Now they can. However, a free bag slot is still required if a combine is involved. This site also has a number of pages that are incomplete / unfinished, as this site is a work in constant progress! I update / work on these pages as I find the time. Sometimes, pages that I start often get set to the side in favor of other pages, but hopefully, I will get them finished at some point. These pages relate to standard Live Server rules (as opposed to TLP Servers & other Special Servers). However, that does not mean they cannot still be useful to TLP Players. |
Sir Bonzz of Bertoxxulous is a group on Facebook that has regular posts about EQ Secrets, items, trivia, videos, name that zone, EQ Polls, name that creature, Patch Day Movies and all sorts of other EQ related fun and informative stuff! |
Join Bonzz's Discord Server, which include topical Forums where everyone can help each other with questions about EverQuest (Web Site Feedback, Quest / Raid help, Bonzz's Updates to You Tube / Web Site; EQ / Daybreak Notices; Event Calendar, Overseer, in-game 'storyline' quest guides (Alt N), GINA Triggers and more)! There is also the ability talk (voice chat) to each other, if you wish. Other Discord Servers you may find useful:
HOW TO CONTACT BONZZ I welcome all feedback to make the pages on this site as correct as possible (spelling, details, clarity, misinformation, etc.). I do look into all concerns expressed to me and make any corrections / modifications that I see fit and / or may be needed. I also welcome any suggestions for things that you might like to see me add.
Look for Bonzz on You Tube! This You Tube channel is NOT monetized (aka ad-driven)! The You Tube Channel is primarily there as video support for this web site & Facebook. Feel free to subscribe to see any new EQ-related Videos that are posted. As of this typing, there are over 3,300 original EQ related videos and counting... all of which are also categorized into topical play lists. |
HOW TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT / APRECIATION I pay for and / or maintain the interconnected web presence that makes up the 'Bonzz Network,' if you will: this web site (; Sir Bonzz Facebook Group; Bonzz's Discord Server; & Bonzz's You Tube Channel). All of which are offered 100% free to everyone... with no registration, no log-in needed, no fees or anything like that (other than may be required by Facebook, Discord and You Tube, that is)! I do have people ask me how they can show support and appreciation by sending me real money. I even have people, in game, offer me Platinum (I am not hurting for Platinum at the moment)... or randomly send me Parcels like stat drink / food (I keep myself supplied with the best stat drinks & foods). While I appreciate the recognition, if you really want to show your support, there are some in-game things that I would not be adverse to accepting. So long as there are no expectations on my part (i.e. come help, etc.), or I am not otherwise involved (grouping, raiding...). Such things include:
BONZZ'S IN-GAME SERVER WIDE CHANNEL I made a serverwide in-game Chat Channel just in case anyone wants to join. Use it for the purpose of seeking info & help from each other and myself (if I am on), or to help me out by posting item links that I can use to grab images and / or videos from (for this site, You Tube, Discord and / or Facebook)! Join today, or even better, add it to your Auto Joined Channels! Yes -- I am aware Serverwide channels have been problematic (I often can't get in my own channel, which is why I made a new one as noted below)! /join serverwide.sirbonzz:bonzz -- or -- /autojoin serverwide.sirbonzz:bonzz . Other useful in-game channels include:
Bonzz's Verified Magelo Profile In case you question my footing... here is the proof in the pudding! - Bonzz Recognizing the 'Real' Bonzz More than once I have been confused with other Players of similar name spellings or from other servers. There are characters named Bonzz on more than one server, that are not necessarily me. Any postings from 'Bonzz' on other sites are not me, but could be Players that use the name on other servers. The real Bonzz is a Half Elf Paladin on the Bertox & Vaniki servers. On Test I am Bonzze. I do have Bonzz characters on other servers, but they were created just to secure the name on those servers and sometimes for research (i.e. Bazaar searches for items and such). |
Any others that you find useful? Let me know! |
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated February 10, 2025